Oh, I heartily agree! The role of Superman requires quite a CV: combination of the right look, physique, gravitas, empathy, eloquence and heck yes, an undeniable yet subtle sex appeal, and a refined acting skill required for a dual persona. Over and above all that, he also needs to have chemistry with Lois Lane and contrast with Lex Luthor or Zod.
And the producers struck the motherlode with Christopher Reeve, a Juilliard-trained artist, co-alumnus with the great Robin Williams.
But perhaps aside from the right actor, Superman would also need the right story. Reeve's Superman is both awesome and endearing because the story allows him to be. He actually assists the local authorities, doesn't overthink his actions, and is rather chill with his superpowers.
For example, in that helicopter scene, he calms a freaked-out Lois with a simple "It's ok, miss." (oh, and let me get that falling helicopter with the unconscious pilot for you.) .... He subs as an engine to a damaged AF-1 (erm... did he just rescue the POTUS?!), salutes the befuddled pilots and just lets them fly the plane. No biggie.... He just saved the country from an internal terrorist and defied the laws of space, time, moral judgement and comic canon in the process, and the scene finishes with an interrupted kiss and a simple, oh GTG! Heck, that "earth and yellow sun" scene probably became iconic because of Reeve's smile and nonchalant aerial barrel roll.
Wooden performances aside, the recent incarnations by Routh and especially Cavill, IMHO, had too much to carry and too much to deal with. Superman, like a battle-scarred soldier, already has his own demons to fight. And he still has to save the entire population and wreck the city while at it. All.The.Time. Not much room, I'm afraid, for an actor to do anything else.
And for the love of the Red Sun of Krypton, please bring back John Williams' score!