How did you discover this movie?

How did you discover this movie?


In a movie theater when it first came out. Belushi was at the peak of his SNL fame and was heavily promoted as the films star, even though his part is relatively small.


Because of all the Simpsons and Futurama references



I was five years old when it came out. I saw it with my parents at the drive-in. We had one drive-in theater and every Saturday night we went to see whatever was playing. Most of the stuff went right over my head, but I remembered parts of it. Now I have it on DVD and I watch it at least once every couple of weeks.

People on ludes should not drive!


its my dads favorite movie so he got it for me for christmas when i was a kid, first rated R movie i ever saw, and it changed my life, def in my top 5 comedies


Word of mouth in high school. My HS buddies invited me along to see it. We were so moved by it that we decided to dedicate our senior year to doing mad stuff like making a crazy float, taking over the P.A. system to announce stupid stuff, running around with a fake rifle aiming it at classmates several yards away, and riding in a car with the driver wearing a kamikaze headband on Dec 7th and getting into a minor car accident. Can't do that these days.


1985: I was 12 years old and watching it with my cousin and mother when it came on as the 7pm movie on KGSW channel 14 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Aside from it being censored, I enjoyed it a lot and laughed so much. I didn't see the uncensored version until I graduated from high school. Today, I have the film on DVD.




Having been told it was, "supposed to be funny as hell and turn into a classic.", I saw it, at the movie theatre, in downtown LaSalle, IL., the first day it was shown.

I remember being really happy that I did see it right away because a few scenes (and lines) were cut out of it in consequential runs.

Some were cut because they were offensive, some to shorten the film, because they were just weird and didn't make sense.

Part of a scene they cut was where everyone else is getting laid and drunk and Blutarski just dumps a jar of yellow mustard on himself for no apparent reason. I remember having felt that way many times.

Some of the scenes have been relaced since they were originally removed, but, I'm not sure all were replaced completely.

CiP: the frame on this site which shows Blutarski's shirt front drenched in yellow mustard, is not in versions of the film which now run.

Cause or effect; it became an anthem for myself and most of those with whom I went through H.S. and college.


I worked at a movie theater when this thing came out. So I got to see all of the late 70's films. Uncut and un-edited. (a million times)

You have to remember that there wasn't cable/satellite TV back in those days. Most people only got 3 or 4 network channels on their TV. Certainly no VHS/DVD yet.

Besides, aside from cruising around town, there wasn't much else to do besides going to the movies and getting a pizza (and/or beer). It only cost about $2.00 to go out to watch a movie. And about the same amount for a 12 pack of beer. $5.00 for a TANK of gas and you're good to go!!!!!!!!!!

For less that 20 bucks (even with a date) you've got yourself a Saturday night!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The first "Star Wars", Grease, Saturday Night Fever, Smokey and the Bandit and Up In Smoke were great movies of that era too. Comming of age in the late '70's didn't suck.....not even a little bit.

Don't get me started on the music.


Reality TV + US Navy Seals = "Extreme Home Takeover"!!!


I saw a promo for AH in NatLamp's May or June 1978 issue, announcing its upcoming release. There's a picture of the Delta guys posing in front of the House, similar to the photo seen behind the film's end credits. I said to myself, "Uh-oh, what are these bad boys up to now?", meaning the Lampoon writers, not the Delta gang. After seeing the movie, however, the Delta gang would re-define "bad boys" for me.


i'm from, and still live in eugene oregon, we are born knowing about this film rofl


I came to this page because Animal House is on VH1 right now. I first saw it in a theater (as was previously said, it was heavily promoted) when it came out. I was a recent college grad--even lived in a fraternity--but some of the people I saw it with were college students who lived at home and commuted to school. They all thought it was hysterical, as did I, but there were many scenes in the movie that gave me flashbacks to some of my own experiences. Some of the characters were reminicent of people I knew. I even went on a road trip with two of my frat brothers from eastern PA to a school 40 mi south of the Twin Cities of MN.


I came across to movie while scrolling through channels and saw it was coming Reels network. I heard of it and thought the previews looked funny to I decided to watch. I watched it the three other times it came on back to back. I loved it. The only other movie instantly loved was Dazed and Confused. I love the music and the characters! I would definitely purchase it on dvd.


A film magazine showed a still from it and quoted Bluto's inspirational "Pearl Harbor" speech, which sounded interesting, so the first chance I could watch it I did.

"Chicken soup - with a *beep* straw."


Just last year. Reading about the great and late John Belushi and how he became famous with this role.
