What to you is the creepiest scene in each movie? *Spoilers for ALL the Halloween films*
Here's mine:
1. Halloween (1978)
Tommy Doyle looking outside the window and seeing The Shape carrying Annie's lifeless body.
2. Halloween II (1981)
When it showed the dark hospital with no one around, and poor Laurie wandering around by herself in a daze because of the medication she was given.
3. Halloween III: Season of the Witch
This is going to sound crazy, probably, but I think the fact that Ellie's dad got away from the bad guys, and you think he's safe in the hospital, only for one of the bad guys to find him and kill him.
4. Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers
When Rachel and Jamie lose each other, and they're trying to find each other, and it's pitch black outside, no lights on in any houses, and the creepy music.
5. Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers
Definitely Jamie in the laundry chute.
6. Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers
When John gets home from work, the power goes out, he goes down to the basement, and turns around and sees Michael right behind him.
7. Halloween H20: Twenty Years Later
When Charlie gets the corkscrew from the garbage disposal, and turns around to see Michael right there. That close-up shot of Michael's eye is creepy as heck!
8. Halloween Resurrection
That creepy clown at the beginning of the film.
9. Halloween (2007)
Young Michael, and his attack on Wesley. Wesley was a bully, but he was crying and begging for his life. It was pretty disturbing.
10. Halloween II (2009)
The end scene of Laurie smiling into the camera when she sees the image of her mother with the white horse.
11. Halloween (2018)
That scene with the lights in the Elrods backyard, and he just got closer and closer to his victim.
12. Halloween Kills
For me, it was the last shot of Michael in his house at the end.
13. Halloween Ends
Cory being locked in the closet (?) at the beginning of the movie, and freaking out.