They're at it again
A few bad apples are trying to ruin a classic:
A few bad apples are trying to ruin a classic:
I don't remember any 'rapey' scenes in Grease. There was one in Saturday Night Fever, though.
share'rapey' is a new go-to word for men who are overly agressive in their pursuit of women in film.
This is a movie that was made in the 1970's about high school life in the 1950's, criticized by women who were born in the 1990's that have no concept of high school mating games of the 1950's.
"men who are overly aggressive in their pursuit of women"
You mean ITALIANS!
PS aggressive is with double-g
These people are full of shit and those of us with properly functioning brains need to stand up to them.
shareyes! Call them out. Put them in their place. Shut them up. I mean it. We got to stop just STANDING THERE letting them have their pointless tantrums. Speak out, speak up, tell them to sit down and shut up.
I'm sick of the brainless taking the stage like their whiney input matters. It does not.
Sorry, weak, but us strong WILL ALWAYS dominate you. It's the way of nature, the way of man, the way of Earth, and the reality of the universe. Get back in your lane, and STFU (not YOU, liscarkat, those brainless people always barking at things)
I like how people lose their $hit over a Greaser looking up a dress, but no one mentions their reckless driving and nearly mowing people down. The point is that they’re hooligans.
The movie is set in the 1950’s and an out-of-wedlock teen pregnancy would be a huge scandal.
Danny tried to change for Sandy BEFORE she did the same for him. He tried out for at least four different sports because Sandy was dating a jock. People say Sandy’s change was worse b/c she took up smoking, but you had doctors in TV ads telling people that smoking was a-ok at that time.
Censorship is insulting to people’s intelligence and does nothing to improve societal problems.