Lack of Diversity

It is really painful to go through movies like these and actually try to stomach the false reality that there are no minorities in this movie. God, these movies are horribly dated. America was so damn bigoted pre-2000 that it is down right disgusting.


It's actually not that crazy for there not to be a diversity considering the time in which the movie takes place, I think it's 1959. My mom graduated high school in '68 and in her yearbook every student was white. So depending on the area and time the lack of diversity is not racist etc, just reality.



Why does the OP subject himself to movies he finds disturbing, dated and....what was his word?....disgusting? I'd avoid such movies like the plague myself. Oh, wait a minute - then he wouldn't have anything to whine, bitch and be self-righteous about! Got to fill the tank with gas before it can run...and run and run and run.


You probably do avoid those movies, but there are a lot more that cater to you than ones that don't.


Agreed, for the 50's, this is probably how most high schools were. And while there wasn't much racial diversity, there was obviously a strong Italian community (what are considered "Guidos" in Jersey shore, so second- (or third-)generation Italians), as about half of both gangs seem to belong to this community.


Except in the real 50s, you wouldn’t find a film character with a last name like Kenicki or Zucko.

I recall an interview with Annette Funicello, I think it was on Good Morningk America, around the time the Disney Channel was launching their 1980s squad of Mousketeers. Funicello was asked to discuss the diversity of the new Mousketeers, and the interviewer told her that she, Annette, was the diverse member of the original Mousketeers. And Funicello agreed.


Maybe you have a point, more diversity is needed. I look forward to them CGIing white people into The Wiz or In the Heat of the Night.

Or something.


There's only one black guy in in the heat of the night


There were black kids at their school. You just had to look harder.


There's nothing MORE bigoted than a post-2000 social justice warrior.


Yeah, it really hurts reading the moronic ramblings of a SJW who basically looks for something to be outraged about and seeing their proto-fascist tendencies to want everything re-written based upon their fanatical ideas on diversity at all costs.


It's really painful to read through posts like these and actually try to stomach the reality that there are people who are completely unaware why there was a Civil Rights Movement.

"Why don't we see all the happy black folks at white schools in movies set in the 1950s?" they ask, blissfully ignorant.

Philo's Law: To learn from your mistakes, you have to realize you're making mistakes.


Get over it. The US is still predominantly white. There are shows and an entire network of just blacks and minorities which is a lot more deliberate and less realistic and no one cares.


In the remake of Grease "High school Musical" it is diverse and has the actors like you would see for that time period.
