MovieChat Forums > Days of Heaven (1978) Discussion > Pretentious, boring and a chore to watch

Pretentious, boring and a chore to watch

I know I'm going to be told that I don't understand Terrence Malick's genius or some such, but I'll try to comment on what I didn't like about this film:

a) Choppy editing. One scene almost always fades into the other randomly, you never know when it's going to happen, but it does when you least expect it.

b) It seems like a whole bunch of clips glued together. As soon as a scene starts to look interesting, it suddenly just fades out and moves on to another one. I prime example of this would be when Bill is looking around the house, spots a pitcher of wine and a picture and the scene suddenly fades out as soon as your imagination kicks in.

c) 'Pretty' imagery which bloats up the film and gives it a sense of disjointedness. For example, a scene will be going on and it'll suddenly pan into ducks, horses, wheat or the sky. What drugs was the director on, really? At times I felt like I was watching a National Geographic montage than a film with a storyline.

d) Horrible sense of timing and pacing. The time line isn't evident at all, there's no indicator of when something happened or how much time went by. It just goes into the standard fade out and fade in transition into another scene.

e) Literally no character development. It's more like 'Meet Bill', hot tempered, caring. Next! I blame the pretty imagery for this. It spreads the film out way too much to grasp what each character is all about.

f) I'll add more comments when I finish the film, which will probably take me about a month because it puts me to sleep every ten minutes.


Forget the rest of the movie.

You are what you love, not what loves you.


Why are you people trashing Aliens? It's one thing to show DoH the respect it deserves, but it's another to hate on one of the greatest sci/fi movies of all time.



Why do you all think that if a person does not like a movie like this (which is an opinion anyway)it means they should watch 'trash' like ALIENS and they should 'go back to watching transformers 3.' I think that just makes you pretentious in believing that only the 'highest minds' can enjoy this film. I for one understand why this film is so acclaimed but i did not enjoy the movie and i have to agree, it felt like a chore to watch. However, that doesn't mean i ENJOY WATCHING TRANSFORMERS, MICHAEL BAY ACTION FLICKS etc.


Yah, not understanding the hate being dished out on Aliens. It's a masterpiece in it's own right, amongst it's on genre, for completely different reasons from Days of Heaven.

Also, I feel like Tree of Life was relatively mainstream compared to Days of Heaven. It kept my attention the entire time. I was hanging on each scene, such a captivating film. It saddens me to hear such negativety surrounding it.

Remember, the force will be with you...always



Elitism is problematic, to be sure, but the observation that people who don't seem to get films that appeal to thinking persons also seem to like certain movies or types of movies is not necessarily a bad one. It does seem to be the case many times.


ALIENS was way too "paint by numbers/digestable even for dullards/Hollywood" type film
direct rip off of RAMBO (First Blood 1-which i liked)

call it RAMBO IN SPACE… had that 'American product' type of feel….which needs to move a lot of 'Units' to satisfy the studio bigwigs

Cameron has a history of ripping off others work

TERMINATOR was stolen from Harlan Ellison's story- SOLDIER-
AVATAR is a rip off of Brian Aldiss' novel HOTHOUSE….and maybe a bit of Dances With Wolves: i.e.-it takes a white man to show the natives how its done…….


You are so correct. All Malik movies are the same-ponderously slow-boooooooring. And don't tell me that is his style-it maybe his style but it sure makes for boooooooring movies!!!!


If you find Malick's films slow and boring then don't watch them, simple! Apparently all people aren't the same and might even have different tastes, hard to believe isn't it?




I agree the film was a chore to watch. It's not a great film. It is probably an OK film but not for one who champions Hollywood's earlier, superior efforts. I wouldn't want to sit through it again.

Remember When Movies Didn't Have To Be Politically Correct?


I too found this film extremely tedious to watch. After seeing it had great reviews, superb actors, a score by Morricone, and knowing how much I enjoyed Malick's The Thin Red Line I figured it was a must see. But after sitting through the first hour I'd have to concur with the OP's original sentiments (although "pretentious" might be going a little too far).

This unique style of Malick's was pitch perfect for a psychological war-is-hell film like The Thin Red Line. And admittedly I find the sound editing, shot composition, all the complex technical jazz to be top notch here - just really out of place when you're trying to tell a story set in the relatively serene Texas panhandle in 1916. It simply doesn't serve the story well.


If only I had a nickel for every time a Malick film was described as "pretentious and dull".

Living in the sixth dimension. Things get rough.


Lol! All Malick movies are like that, beautifully made (thanks to the cinematography) but badly built. He's just throwing in smart lines here and there, and hopes that will make a movie. This one is his best though IMO. At least it hasn't got pretentious dinosaurs or war references.


"He´s just throwing in smart lines here and there, and hopes that will make a movie".

Whatever that might mean...

"At least it hasn´t got pretentious dinosaurs or war references".

Yup - dinosaurs and "war references" (huh?) are "pretentious". Got it.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Dinosaurs are dinosaurs. War references are war references. I didn't mean they are pretentious by themselves, but the ones that Malick uses - ARE, and to a high extent :)


What´s so pretentious about them? Do explain.

And I still don´t get what "war references" are you talking about (OK, come to think of it, there is a brief mention of war in The Tree Of Life - too brief it could possibly amount to something pretentious, in fact).

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


No no, war references are the theme in the Thin Red Line, which are also distracted from the main movie. You know.. movies are not poetry. If you want to show something, show it with the movie. Why throw in the pretentious lines and images distracted from the main events? One could just use a blank screen and a voice over to put the same message. Thoughts and ideas are very disconnected from the movie when it comes to Malick. It's more of a poetry with images thing than an actual movie. I think the idea of a fictional book or movie is to SHOW the points you want to make with the events or symbols, and not OPENLY and pretentiously tell them through voice overs. To each his own :)


In the hands of masters, films can indeed be poetry - why not? And since The Thin Red Line deals with the notion of war for its entire running time, it´s definitely strange to say it "references war". Also, although I have a vague idea of how one can perceive the voiceover in TTRL as perhaps bordering on kinda-sorta pretentious, I sure don´t get wtf is a "pretentious image" supposed to be or mean. The success of TTRL lies in the harmony it achieves between the flow of images, the musical element and the (admittedly portentous & a bit heavy handed) narration. The film is not without flaw, but the sum is ultimately far greater than its parts.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


War references in a film set during a war- bloody hell!
Thin red line is my favourite war film and should have won best picture the year it was out. It is visual poetry at its best and the voice overs were utterly mesmerising. So there.

By the way I saw this film called rocky and was gob smacked by all the references to boxing- bonkers stuff!


By war references I mean the serious voice over saying things even a kid knows about war, while its not a book or poetry, its a movie and it should portray something not just show a soldiers face and engage a smart-ass voiceover. Go watch platoon or something? Apocalypse now? Those are movies. This is just beautiful photography. If you say its a different thing than movies (called visual poetry) then why the hell is it on imdb. Should have his own teammates on the visual poetry site.

