Pretentious, boring and a chore to watch
I know I'm going to be told that I don't understand Terrence Malick's genius or some such, but I'll try to comment on what I didn't like about this film:
a) Choppy editing. One scene almost always fades into the other randomly, you never know when it's going to happen, but it does when you least expect it.
b) It seems like a whole bunch of clips glued together. As soon as a scene starts to look interesting, it suddenly just fades out and moves on to another one. I prime example of this would be when Bill is looking around the house, spots a pitcher of wine and a picture and the scene suddenly fades out as soon as your imagination kicks in.
c) 'Pretty' imagery which bloats up the film and gives it a sense of disjointedness. For example, a scene will be going on and it'll suddenly pan into ducks, horses, wheat or the sky. What drugs was the director on, really? At times I felt like I was watching a National Geographic montage than a film with a storyline.
d) Horrible sense of timing and pacing. The time line isn't evident at all, there's no indicator of when something happened or how much time went by. It just goes into the standard fade out and fade in transition into another scene.
e) Literally no character development. It's more like 'Meet Bill', hot tempered, caring. Next! I blame the pretty imagery for this. It spreads the film out way too much to grasp what each character is all about.
f) I'll add more comments when I finish the film, which will probably take me about a month because it puts me to sleep every ten minutes.