Anyone remember when this was SO hard to get on DVD?......
I'd say some time from 1998-2000, they had released a version on DVD which went out of print and it wasn't re-released for years after. I mean frikken years! This was the case with quite a few of the B horror movies if I recall actually. Some just took a damn eternity to be released altogether, like Night of the Comet and the Leprechaun movies.
But my mother and I were constantly searching so many video stores back in those days for a DVD copy. Finally, the ultimate edition was released sometime around the mid 00's with the theatrical cut, extended cut, and Italian cut. The package was so nice and filled with extras. It was great to have after waiting all that time.
Night of the Comet was actually a worse wait, as I think there wasn't an official DVD copy until the late 00's. I wound up having my friends grandpa use his VHS to DVD unit to burn an old taped from T.V copy from the mid 90's to a writable disk. The quality was God awful LOL. It was handy to have though, as we never thought we'd get an official version.
Did anyone have a similar experience with this movie, or any others from those days? Ahh...the early days of DVD.