huge error

At the end, Rubber Duck is killed when the sheriff shoots at his truck while it goes over the bridge. But then a few minutes later, Rubber Duck is in a van and looks right at the sheriff. How can the makers of this film not realize this? Rubber Duck died in the previous scene


Nope cause no not true


The police shot the truck up. The scene showed him ducking down for cover. You never saw his body take a hit. His cab went over the bridge before the gas exploded and obliterated the truck. They never found his body because he got out.

In real life he probably wouldn't have made it but there's a slight chance he could have and the film went with it.


Obviously trolling or trying to be funny. He does die in the original song version though. But let's put it with the words of Rubber Duck himself:

"You ever seen a duck that couldn't swim? Quack, quack!"
