It was the battle over Ewing Oil between Bobby and JR that started the deterioration of Pam and Bobby's marriage. Remember that during the battle, Pam's mother Rebecca got heavily involved to try to stop JR since he had destroyed Cliff the prior season leading to Cliff's attempted suicide. Rebecca died in a plane crash when she tried to thwart one of JR's big deals. This led to Pam and Bobby's initial separation. Then during the separation, Pam and Bobby were getting back on good terms until Bobby needed the experimental drill bit from Wentworth Tool&Dye that could help Bobby's Canadian oil fields strike. Since Pam, Cliff, and Katherine were equal partners in that company, Bobby needed at least 2 votes for him getting the bit, so Katherine was 1 for, Cliff 1 against, and Pam was the swing vote. Pam basically decided her marriage on whether or not she decides that Bobby gets the bit. If she had decided against, she was actually going to stay with Bobby because she knew he would lose the battle to JR and she wanted Bobby to be free of Ewing Oil. But she voted for Bobby getting the bit because she didn't want to be responsible for him losing the battle. But because she knew he would probably win the battle and the battle caused so many problems in their marriage and Bobby would get Ewing Oil, causing even more problems in the future, she decided she couldn't stay with him. But even after all this, she still finally decided she loved Bobby too much to let him go, but then Katherine gave Bobby a false letter of Pam saying she wanted the divorce to go through, and so Bobby told Pam she could have her divorce before she could tell him she wanted to stay married.