How many times (approximately) have you watched
all Star Wars movies together (including original trilogy, prequels, sequels, Rogue one, Solo)?
From my side I can not honestly give an answer.
all Star Wars movies together (including original trilogy, prequels, sequels, Rogue one, Solo)?
From my side I can not honestly give an answer.
Couldn't count the OT and prequels but a lot.
I know I stupidly saw TPM three times within the first week it came out though!
Rogue One once because I was so offended by the stupidity and continuity breakage it caused that I refused to ever watch again.
I've never seen Solo because it followed on from TLJ, which as per Rogue One, I saw once in the cinema and was the final straw for me.
So that's one view each for TLJ and Rogue One and zero for Solo and TROS.
Well, I also saw TPM in the cinema three times (or maybe more) back in 1999, but not in the same week.
Rogue one is a good Star wars film.
Yeah, I pre booked tickets for the first and second nights and then for the following weekend. I was regretting it half way through the first viewing!
Each to their own but I probably hate Rogue One more than any other Star Wars film I've seen.
What is the issue with Rogue one?
shareLike I was saying further up, it was mainly the continuity issues for me which made it impossible to view as "in canon" with the OT.
Plus I'm not particularly a fan of the shut and cut nature of the film. It was too jarringly obvious how they'd kicked out the original director and replaced his work with the Darth Vader fan service stuff, culminating in that stupid video game cut sequence scene.
I just really hated it. I mean, I used to hate the prequels but then I just decided to view them in a separate continuity and just go with the comedy nature and the memes, so I now actually love them in another way.
But it's not possible to do that with Rogue One as the fun aspect just isn't there, just the annoying non continuity (made even more annoying as, aesthetically at least, it seems closer to the classic Star Wars feel than the prequels ever did).
I find RG interesting , entertaining and with a nice star wars feeling.
No worries, each to their own 👍.
And yeah, it did have a nice, genuine feel. That's why I was saying before, it makes it worse when you realise the plans aren't going to get beamed to the Tantive IV and it would make 0% chance Leia claiming she was on a diplomatic mission, when Vader literally watches the ship get away in the first place...
what are the continuity issues?
I mentioned them in my last reply directly above this.
Namely, the plans were not beamed to the Tantive IV as per ANH, Princess Leia was clearly not on a Diplomatic mission (nor for that matter her real mission of going to get Obi-Wan) and it would be insane for her to claim otherwise, the Death Star is quite clearly already "operational"... Basically you have to forget the entire first half of ANH if you want to watch Rogue One and have it make any sense...
Plus in that stupid continuity breaking scene where the rebels are "beaming" the plans along the corridor by hand, Darth Vader is bouncing about like a prequel cartoon character, rather than the same guy we see supposedly ten minutes later at the start of ANH... Not in itself continuity breaking - I've even read the ridiculous "official" apologist excuse that it's because he's "tired" after his Rogue One efforts 😂 - but still jarringly stupid.
From a certain point of view (... mine).
hmm , I rewatched ep4 last week , not seen Rogue1 enough times to memorise these elements , must have a rewatch.
But I must say the beaming of plans (or trusting them to a walking dustbin) or the moving about of data is something of a plot hole in many many movies now that we have the information age and email and cloud storage and wifi and etc etc .
They do address this slightly by "jamming transmissions" or something , but at the end of the day once that information was out of the Deathstar it would have been broadcast galaxy wide in every format via every method - just to make sure , and no need for the whole "get this to Ben Kenobi - you're the only hope!"
Same plothole happens in Firefly / Serenity movie.
"cant stop the signal!"
They do address this slightly by "jamming transmissions" or something...
Also the main standout criticism I remember from watching ep4 last week is
"How the hell does R2 roll along in a sandy desert?"
Not to mention the jungle of Dagobah!
You dont have to be any kind of engineer to see that R2 would be completely immobile literally anywhere outside of a completely smooth polished floor
Yeah, in that was made even more stupid by the fact they made him be able to fly in the prequels!
So I guess, in a sense, you can't really blame the Rogue One creators too much given that George Lucas himself couldn't even be bothered!
I've probably seen ANH and ESB about 15 times and ROTJ about twice that. I love endings.
shareMust be around 50+ for me, watched return of the jedi a lot as a kid on VHS.
shareStar Wars - saw 50 times perhaps (mostly as a kid)
Empire Strikes Back - saw 40 times as a kid and maybe 15 times as an adult.
Return of the Jedi - saw 50 times AT LEAST as a kid (I saw it so many times that I had the whole movie, including all dialog and sound effects, memorized) but maybe have only sat through once as an adult.
Phantom Menace - 2 (second time because I was curious "was it as bad as I thought it was?")
Attack of the Clones - 1
Revenge of the Sith - 1
(though I have seen Mr. Plinkett reviews of all of them numerous times)
Force Awakens - 1
Last Jedi - 1
Rise of Skywalker - 1
Rogue One - 1
Solo - Zero
Solo is not that bad....
shareI wouldn't know because I didn't see it... and never will! Muahaha!
I mean, why would I want to see an origin story for a character who didn't need one? And why would I want to see a woke robot (voiced by that irritating Fleabag chick) leading a "revolution" against "the man"?
" watched return of the Jedi as a kid on VHS". The same here.