MovieChat Forums > Star Wars (1977) Discussion > Will the unaltered versions ever be On B...

Will the unaltered versions ever be On Blu Ray?

I think they should


Do you mean an official "Project 4K77"?

Don't know if they need to. Project 4K77 exists for anyone who wants to get the idea of how it looked like, what the award-winning effects were like, how grainy, washed-out, dirty and scratched films really were in the 70's, ...

Historically interesting, but not the best viewing experience. To me, watching 4K77 partially redeemed Lucas' efforts to make it more accessible to younger generations. I can see why they applied DNR, corrected colors and renewed some effects / matte paintings.

What I'd like to see would be a proper (and faithful - looking at you, Greedo!) restoration. Like what Sony did to Lawrence of Arabia, it looks stunning in 4k.


I think eventually it will. There is too much desire for it. It would make Disney a lot of money I think. But I also think they may wait for an anniversary year. Star wars is 44 now? so a 45 or a 50th anniversary would be the perfect time for a limited edition special de-specialized edition box set. but who knows. I still have my VHS tapes and refuse to buy anything that has Hayden Christensen in Return of the Jedi. So, for me, I hope they do, because I know my VHS tapes won't last forever.


Will blu ray players remain in production by the time the 50th anniversary rolls around?

I'm still a fan of collecting physical media. But discs are on the decline and with it, the players will follow.


They still sell vinyl and cd players...




Probably, after Lucas kicks the bucket...


When Disney remakes it they’ll need something to get people to watch their flavor of the weak trash so they’ll release the real Star Wars on digital.

For now those of us with Laser Disc will enjoy the only digital form of the original classic.


I once owned the laser discs. Quite enjoyed the Lucas interview at the end of each film as I recall.


I haven't seen the original versions in years. I've gotten too used to the Special Edition though personally I would want the original Special Edition before Lucas changed them in 2004. As in the original actor playing the Emperor in Empire Strikes Back and the original Special Edition Return of the Jedi that had the original old man Anakin and didn't have the forced edited in Jar Jar and his planet scene.


I'll never get used to the fucked-up pacing of Empire with Vader's additional shuttle docking scene...


Somehow I forgot that was an added scene. Like I said it's been over 20 years since I saw the original versions.


They might be released after George's death.
