What happened to humans?
I mean, really, what has happened to people's intelligence even in the past 40 years?
The questions about star wars here are pathetic, silly, inane, downright imbecilic. Truly.
Yes, TROLLING is the current trend because people aren't bright enough (anymore) to come up with better hobbies....
Yes, everyone is entitled to THEIR opinions and ideas about the art of films....
But, I suspect some are sincere in their wonderments. Seriously, are people really this dumb??
I'M not trolling - I want to know. Have people de-evolved so much as to not understanding the past AT ALL?
Star Wars is 40 years old. FORTY!! OF COURSE it is not going to stand up to todays productions, writing, effects, anything. That will never change the proven facts it WAS groundbreaking in its day.
And the line of questions about the movie and its plot points....
Sounds like, "Why did they bother making silent movies? Should have just made them with sound" or "Why is Casablanca black and white? They shoulda just filmed it in color."
It is what it is, kids. No retro-current speak, neo-perceptionism is going to ALTER the past. (Like George Lucas does)
Inane questioning.... What it the back story of the Jawas? Why is sand on another planet still brown? What was the apparatus on the left on the counter next to Aunt Baru actually do?
Why wasn't jar jar in this? Did the deathstar have bathrooms? Did this all happen in two hours? Why are their names weird? What's a battle?
F-ing mentally challenged, raised on video games and hoho's line of questioning. I was raised on that too, but somehow am not a moron.
The stupid is astounding. SERIOUSLY, what happened? Is it all the preservatives? TV? What?