Not only did it always feel out of place to send the old guy off to deal with technology, but he's been living in a desert for about 20 years after the collapse of the Republic he was familiar with... What would he know about disabling tractor beams on the NEW Imperial Death Star?
Not to mention, even as a child I found it silly to have beam controls on the back side of a column over a chasm with a six inch ledge to stand on. Thats always been a WTF moment.
Among many other parts, stuff like this would probably get this movie nitpicked to hell if it were to come out today. Then again, Interstellar got a lot of praise and it barely had a single lick of logic in the entire plot.
he's been living in a desert for about 20 years after the collapse of the Republic he was familiar with... What would he know about disabling tractor beams on the NEW Imperial Death Star?
How does Kenobi know Death Stars? He doesn't even need any info on the tractor beam, he just runs off to disable it. In a modern movie, he would have to study the system and discern how it works.
But in 1977, it's just a lever to turn. Sitting on the back side of a system with a "catwalk" a few inches wide. The placement and design is ludicrous.
But the silliness is part of the charm... Until you get adults who grew up on that silliness who start using it as a baseline of "mature" entertainment.
I grew up on Star Wars, but I recognize how silly it is.
I know how silly it is to refer to turning levers as "expertise" like some idiot Trump Trolls.
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Just explaining to you something that the rest of the world had no problem understanding. Kenobi obviously had a lot knowledge from his life as a Jedi. Perhaps tractor beam controls were fairly universal. Like the flying controls of the different space ships in the movie.
Not surprised today’s low IQ lemmings are unable to fill in the gaps. Unfortunately this is the result of people being spoon fed what to think their whole lives. Same reason theyre unable to understand complex issues like modern politics. Of course you know this sad existence all too well.
Now that everyone's been talking about the possibility of more Obi-Wan films starring Ewan McGregor, I realized that Obi-Wan probably didn't spend all that time just sitting in the desert waiting for Luke to grow up. He was definitely involved with the Rebels, Leia knew who he was, where he lived, and what he could do. Obviously he'd been having a few side adventures, while keeping an eye on Luke's progress!
As to how he knew where the tractor beam was, maybe he'd had a look at the plans embedded in R2D2, maybe he just let The Force lead him on to the side where he was doomed to have his final confrontation with Vader.