The fault in the name/title is the failure
Naming this film Sorcerer killed it financial/commercial/critically. As the greatly anticipated follow up project to The Exorcist the name Sorcerer was in the parlance of our times, “click-bait.” This was a very unfortunate decision and I am not sure who gets the credit. The name Sorcerer immediately conjures up imaginings of well… a Sorcerer. This film has none, only a truck named Sorcerer. There are no fantasy elements one would expect with a title like Sorcerer either. It would likely have been much better to call this film “Lazaro” or even “Lazarus”, despite the Biblical implications. Sorcerer is the truck that dies and Lazaro the one that survives. In the end and for whatever reason they went with Sorcerer which I suspect they felt was a good way to trade on Friedkins previous effort the Exorcist. As in “From the director who brought you The Exorcist comes a new film called Sorcerer”. Now that does have an awe factor to it, I do admit, but it was a devastating miscalculation for one of the very best films I have ever experienced.