sadly it's overrated

i Really wanted to love this flick, but sadly it's not even the best film in the nazi zombies sub-genre, it falls short to Rollin's Zombie Lake and even to Jess Franco's Oasis Of the Zombies. not saying i didn't have fun, i sure did but still the freaking hype was waaaaay off this time. the movie drags, we don't get enough zombie action and when we do it's rather subtle.

"Holy Banana's, It's a girl's Leg!"


Zombie Lake, cinematography and editing-wise, is amatuerish. Some Jean Rollin films are sub-par.

Shockwaves is superior just on cinematography and editing, not to mention the music was more tension building. Also the zombies looked a hell of alot more convincing.

The only department where Zombie Lake beats Shockwaves is female nudity.


I was about to say the same thing about the nudity. Besides the weird father/daughter (or was it grandfather?) zombie relationship in Zombie Lake it has not got a lot going for it. Oasis is just downright awful, one of the worst of all time. But Shock Waves is outstanding. I grant you the zombies don't behave like they usually do, but so what? They were still creepy as hell, wondering around on the sea bed or randomly sitting up in the middle of a river (well, stream), the cast was full of actors who could actually act and the score was nicely menacing. The pace is slow yes, but that isn't a bad thing.

I know it hasn't got regular upskirt-type views of naked girl's vaginas, but come on. Give it a little credit.

Time to blow


This genuinely creeped me out!




God, I couldn't disagree more.


I would never call a film like this overrated. It's got a 5.5 on IMDB and doesn't have enough fans to justify calling it a cult classic. It's not a popular film by any means, a minor film.

For me it's underrated.


Wow, millennials started overusing the word overrated a long time ago!
