Are We Supposed To Feel Sorry For Her?
It's very hard to. It's kind of like she was asking for it.
shareIt's very hard to. It's kind of like she was asking for it.
share"It's kind of like she was asking for it."
Uh-oh, now you've done it; the IMDb boards PC Police will be knocking down your door! In their breathless haste to spout politically correct blather about no one being at fault for the direct result of her irresponsible actions, they ignore the reality that reckless behavior has consequences. In short - if you're going to dance, be prepared to pay the piper. But, it's heresy around here to say so, so steel yourself for the expressions of outraged indignation at the slightest suggestion that she in any way brought her fate upon herself.
calm down bro it looks like you've just been #triggered
shareI am on both sides of the fence with this... coming from a strikingly similar background... irish catholic upbringing from the 50's despite me being raised in the 90's... having 'perfect' sisters ... to even teaching! -- I can see her being frustrated.
I was stuck living with my parents until I was nearing 30 while teaching an hour's drive away --mostly highway and teaching in the south Bronx.
however, teaching was good for me but hard for me at the same time... now we have to deal with crap like 'learning targets' which are things the students are supposed to tell you what the hell they are learning. and we have crap like essential questions and -- I kid you not-- three page lesson plans -- per lesson. so that is planning about 5 or more lessons a day 5 times a week... and I didn't even mention the CHARTS we have to write for the lessons -- basically writing the lesson all over again!
I literally have no time nor the energy [thanks thyroid cancer at the age of 26!] to go out drinking NOR having anonymous sex at any time -- even when I did move out and was on my own!
so in the teacher sense I can see where the OP is coming from. but from a 'god can eat a bag of dicks' stance, I can see the 'feeling sorry for her' side.
sometimes god gives you enough shi8 that you want to say 'fvk it' and do what you want while you still can.
Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.