Best Skits

Besides A Fistful of Yen, what are the best skits?
"That's Armegeddon!"
"Willer Beer" (You're only reincarnated four or five times in life)
"Danger Seekers"

Those would be mind. This movie is friggin hilarious!

Focker why do you hate cats?


Joy of Sex
Catholic High School Girls In Trouble
Eyewitness News
Zinc Oxide And You

and the one where the guy's in his car and the alarm doesn't turn off until he zips up his pants


I have not seen this movie in ... oh say ... 25yrs. I was in my early teens, when I was introduced to the wacky comedies of Abram and the Zuckers. Of course, there's a high probability an Airplane! or a Naked Gun movie will be playing on a tv or cable station somewhere in the US at any given time. If you're lucky, you'd catch a viewing of "Amazon Women on the Moon" and "Top Secret" (... I'll never forget you, Deja Vu). However I have yet to see Kentucky Fried Movie again, since that one viewing so many years ago.

But I must say that one of the two skits that stuck in my mind was "Fist Full of Yens". 'Fist' got me because I had watched Enter The Dragon for the 1st time, just before KFM. Back then I had "Toto concentwashun" while paying attention to a movie of "epic proportions". The second was "Zinc Oxide and You". It reminded me so much of those grammar school educational films. Too bad that poor guy's pacemaker lost it's zinc oxide.

I vaguely remembed some of the other skits, but knew they were also hilarious.

Anyone knows if it's on DVD yet?


Loo: And who are they?
Dr. Klahn: Refuse, found in waterfront bars.
Loo: Shanghaied?
Dr. Klahn: Just lost drunken men who don't know where they are and no longer care.
Prisoner #1: Where are we?
Prisoner #2: I don't care!
Loo: And these?
Dr. Klahn: These are lost drunken men who don't know where they are, but do care! And these are men who know where they are and care, but don't drink.
Prisoner #3: I don't know who I am?
Prisoner #4: And I don't drink!
Dr. Klahn: Guards! (move prisoners) Do you care?
Prisoner #5: No.
Dr. Klahn: Put this man in cell #1, and give him a drink.
Guard: What do you drink?
Prisoner #5: I don't care.

...and the capital of Nebraska is Lincoln!


Anyone knows if it's on DVD yet?
Yeah, it's definitely on dvd; I've got it. I'd check around on Amazon or eBay.


Full marks go to Henry Gibson's contribution with the United Fund for the Death. His dead pan delivery accompanied by his friendly face cracks me up everytime.



"Despite millions of dollars of research, death continues to be our nation's number one killer."


My favorites are from Fistfull of Yen: Bachelor #1, Hung Well; Bachelor #2, Long Wang; and Bachelor #3, Enormous Genitals. The other that kills me is the alarm system in Klahn's fortress: HARRMP! HARRMP! HARRMP!

There's nothing like an ice cold beer on a hot Christmas morning


Yeah I agree about that whole fortress segment including Big Jim Slade and the tour group and a toy robot and the prisoners who don't know which cell they belong in and the dude beating up many men and wiping his hands off only to see another group is coming at him. And seeing how good a fighter Khan is, let's all give him a big hand! (clap clap clap)


I like the guy in the fortress with the megaphone that's doing the "Owp, owp, owp" alarm sound. God that cracked me up!

By the time you've finished reading this you've already read it.


Cathiloc High School Girls in Trouble right next to a Fistful of Yen make me crack up each and every time I see this movie.....

The alarm system of the fortress was awesome, I laugh still thinking about that, and the slo motion read my lips moment in the Yen segment, after the lead charcter had just got done beating the man to the ground and he got up, only to be beaten down with a kitchen sink, and then a transmission, the slow motion What the *beep* of the supposed Bruce Lee was spot on.

Also Big John SLade was good as well......

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you-do or do not there is no try.
