Why do so many people prefer this one over the remake?
I've seen the remake lots of times, mainly cuz I'm a Lindsay Lohan fan (i'm a fan of her acting, not her behavior lol) and my mom rented the original with Jodie Foster and I thought it'd be interesting to see Jodie's acting as a younger girl. But honestly, this one was just WEIRD. Yeah, I know it's original, but original isn't always better. Some things in this movie that just seemed weird:
- When Anabelle's mom switches into her daughter's body, she doesn't act like a teenager at all. I mean yeah, she's supposed to be confused on how to act, but she keeps calling her friends "young lady" over and over, it's like c'mon, I think she should at least know that Anabelle or any other regular teenager doesn't address their friends as "young lady". She just seemed so out of it, it wasn't even funny. At least in the remake, it was actually funny when Lohan was the mom inside the daughter's body. But it was so irritating in the original.
-Anabelle (in her mom's body) starts doing the laundry, and throws shoes in the washing machine? I mean c'mon, anyone with common sense knows not to throw SHOES in a WASHING MACHINE.
-Also, when Anabelle (in the mom's body) was at home and all those people were showing up and yelling at her and all that chaos....even the real mom wouldn't have been able to handle all that chaos. NO ONE CAN. No one is THAT demanding.
-THe part I really don't get is why is it so important for Anabelle to water ski for the dad's work?? What does her skiing have to do with his work at all? seriously? and then they all sink into the water and just laugh about it? wtf?
And there's lots of other stuff that I didn't get, but that's all I'll say for now. I mean, everyone says the original is better just cuz it's original. If you do prefer the older one, can you please explain why? I don't get it. The remake was just more believeable and the writing was better, i Just got bored with the original. I won't trash you if you disagree with me, but I'd like to hear other's opinions on this.