Original Vs. Remake

For starters, its hard to call the newer one a remake. Yes it has the same plot and all, but things are totally different in the newer one. There is no dad, she isn't into water skiing, shes into music. So really, its hard to compare the two and really call the newer one a remake. I do think the newer one is better though. It was interesting to see Jodie Foster as a kid though.

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While i do like the remake, the original is far better. Jodie Foster was amazing in it.


I think of them as two different films. loved the original saw it in theaters as a teen. took my kids to see remake. loved them both. the original has fond memories for me going to theaters first time with friends. both films are good.


I'm responding to this post 10 years later.....but I have to say that I prefer the original 70s Freaky Friday, but I have to give credit where it's due: The 2003 version with Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis was above average also. There were things I didn't like, but there are things I don't like about many remakes, so it's difficult to compare the two. It worked well for 2003, and was a decent "upgrade", even though I still really like watching the old one which made me laugh out loud more than once. Everyone has their opinion, and that's mine.


The newer one disgusts me, this movie just always made me laugh... also can't get through the opening without tearing up, what does the new one have?


Sorry people but I'm going with the remake. The original hasn't aged well and looking at it now there are things about it that shows it hasn't. Jodie Foster is a great actress but she was too serious. She was great in Taxi Driver and in Foxes which was non Disney but she was better in that one. Lindsay looked like she was having a blast with her character adjusting to the change and the same goes with Jamie. When you see how they switched in the original, they just wished it. In the remake a Chinese women heard Lindsay and Jamie wishing they would trade places, she offered them cookies that had magic in them. That worked and seeing them react in each others' body was better and funny. The humor in the original looks so stupid. Even the car chase. Really?!! I know it's a comedy but come on. A police car going over a bridge where people walk and another one splitting in half??!! Also, a woman on a bike spinning on 1 wheel for over 5 minutes? I'm glad that humor isn't in this one. Also, the story line is better and everybody in the remake is better. I'll take this one and even Big over the original.
