MovieChat Forums > The Deep (1977) Discussion > What are some good under water films?

What are some good under water films?

This film isn't "good" but it does a great job of capturing life under the ocean. What are some other films you guys and gals would recommend?

I think the 1954 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is probably the best for that. The Abyss is good, but you can tell it was shot in a huge tank rather than the actual ocean, so it doesn't quite count in the same way. This goes for Leviathan, as well, which was also a terrible film. And yeah there's Jaws, but it's not really so much about being underwater and all that. Deep Blue Sea had some stuff, but overall lots of movies deal with the ocean... I'm talking like, coral reefs and stuff.



Encounter In The Deep
Cave Of Sharks
Waves Of Lust
The Secret Of Seagull Island

Those all have good scuba diving scenes in them. And you can the scuba scenes were actually filmed on location, rather than in a tank or swimming pool.


Into the blue isnt too bad the underwater scenes and the locations are beautiful in that film.There are a few James bond films that has nice underwater scenes.


You can add Sphere (1998) here too - a mystic claustrophobic thriller with Sharon Stone
Below - a nice WW2 submarine horror flick


The Abyss is the best of 'em all!

It is even a true "underwater" movie


A magnificent film about someone obsessed by the sea.



The Abyss is fucking awesome.


Yep, the extended cut. Theatrical cut became worthless after I saw the extended cut.


I think I've only seen the theatrical cut. Thoroughly enjoyed it though, I'll have to check out the extended cut when I next revisit the film.
