What scenes from this movie have 'Stuck' with you all??
For me--TWO scenes have stuck with me since I first saw this over 30 years ago on TV.
(spoilers within).
(1--the scene near the end with the guy, the girl and the dog--where that stupid little dog keeps following that guy around, snarling and growling at him, but NOT trying to attack him, as the guy frantically tries to get help for him and the girl he found. He then tries to get one of the cars he finds to run, but the first one will not start. Then, with that dog STILL hanging around, he goes to a VW, all the while, keeping an eye on that dog, which follows him snarling all the way. The guy, watching the dog and holding a hammer for protection, opens the door of the VW, reaches in WITHOUT looking inside..there must be FIFTY snakes in the front seat--and at least 3 of the attack him!! Then as he jerks him arm out of the car, with at least one snake still hanging on it, the dog THEN attacks him!! I have NEVER forgotten that scene!! It stuck in my mind even MORE than the OTHER, more-well-known scene I remember.
(2--Leslie Nielsen and the " bear attack". I have NEVER seen ANYTHING like that one ANY movie or show before!! A man goes somewhat crazy, starts acting savagely, kills a woman's boyfriend, mocks God and THEN--JUST as he is going to rape that woman, a big, angry grizzly bear comes towards him. Does he "slowly" back away, like a normal person would?? NO!! he ATTACKS the bear, tries to wrestle it and bite it, and of course...the bear wins, as the girl and the other 2 hikers who were there safely escape. Personally I thought he "got what was coming to him" in the movie!!
BTW --BOTH scenes, and lots of others from this movie--are on Youtube right now.