A Damnation Remake?

Anyone think a remake should be in in makes?
I know most people hate remakes such as I I enjoy the qulity of the orgianls.
However I kinda like to see what they can make this movie into now.


I'd like to see something closer to Roger Zelazny's book. Especially the biker fight toward the end.


Wouldn't you say that the Land of the Dead movie was a virtual remake with zombies taking on the role of radiation and rich bastards playing the role of killer cockroaches ?


DUDE! I Want What Your Smoking!!!


I've been rattling on about how much this one needs a remake for Years.

I would hope they'd keep the character of Hell Tanner completely intact.
After all, the story isn't just about a Post apocalyptic road trip in an armored RV.. it's the story of a bad man learning what it is to be Human.

I'd prefer it if they left out the giant mutant animals & had the dangers be from environment, weather and humans, though..

Everyone in this day & age knows that gamma rays, X-rays etc. don't make giant mutant animals.. they make Dead animals.


I've read the first draft of the movie script, which was a lot closer to Zelazny's novella (but still followed the "Tanner as the Air Force officer" change).


This is one remake that could be done, and yes...closer to the book. The only similarites between the book and the original movie were the names "Tanner" (they didn't use his first name from the book) and "Denton". That, and it was post-nuclear war, and Tanner needed an armored vehicle (simply called "a car") to cross the country. Beyond that, they were two different stories. The book's story was much better IMO, but I still loved the movie (saw it back in '77 in the theatre!).

"you think we go to your movies, Harry? I've seen better film on teeth..."


I would love to see a remake. I agree, though, that it should follow the plot of Zelazny's book more closely (by which I mean, "at all").

I'm actually watching the movie right now, for the first time, having recorded it recently on my DVR. It's the pan-and-scan version, and WOW are these some cheesy special effects (and acting, and screenwriting, and everything else), but I'm really having fun.

I've certainly seen worse from Jan-Michael Vincent.

Kid: "Would it take another explosion to do that? straighten it up?"
Denton: "I dunno. It could do it all by itself."


Sheesh! I haven't seen this since the late '70s! It was cheesy even then, but kind of fun. I totally LOVED those RVs (what were they called? Landmasters? ) and used to daydream about having one of my own.
ahh, nice stroll down memory lane.


If there ever is a remake they've simply GOT to use the Hawkwind song "Damnation Alley" as the main title song! I wish there were a wy to insert audio clip son these posts, I'd insert a segment. Suffice the say the chorus starts "Thank you Dr. Strangelove for going do-lally and leavin' me the heritage of Damnation Alley!" It even mentions riding in an eight wheeled anti-radiation machine. "Going down dDamnation Alley, well good luck to you!"

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" -- Albert Einstein
"Imagine" -- John Lennon


This movie is screaming for a remake. Love to see it. I just got my DVD the other day...Love this flick.


There was an article that George A Romero would do another film if he had financing and creative control - if so - then he'd follow the 'Dead Reckoning' on its journey. They mentioned Canada - the deep country. They could say, well - in the last XX years we've only received intermittent transmissions from (fill-in-the-blank) - they could face gangs of smart dead - gangs of survivalists - urban barriers created by the chaos and destruction - finally, find an outpost high in the mountains, well protected - farming - calm.


So far I've only read the story (as presented in "Last Defender of Camelot"), but I've heard that the movie was terrible. What with CGI now, they could do a great version of this; unfortunately, the operative word there is "could."


Actually, there is rumor that there is GOING to be a remake.


Did you just start the rumor? :heheheheh:

Pete Hutter: You touched my piece. NOBODY touches my piece!


its going to be g rated and called "darnnation alley"


yes yes, totally unannounced top-secret project! Bruce Willis will be playing the part of Tanner, and the part of Keegan will be played by none other than Gary Coleman!


I'd love to see a re-make.

Lee Vervoort

"I may not make it to the top, but I'll let you know when I get there."


Same here! Maybe they can go back to the original plot but retain some things, like Tanner's military background and the armored vehicles. And perhaps they can add a bit of something from the Fallout games given some similarities, like the military facility that served as their "vault," the irradiated wasteland and strange weather, the cockroaches like the scorpions in the games, and so forth.


While in most cases remakes should be avoided like the plague, This movie desperately needs one.

Roger Zelazny, in a forward where he had reprinted the novella that started it all, pointed out that the movie basically turned him away from ever wanting to see any of his stories made into movies. I for one have fantasy cast his Amber books since most of them originally came out.

He deserves to have this wonderful story remade and then others of his works to follow. Amber, Changeling, I could go on, but we all know his works deserve it more than say, Battlefield Earth...

Lets get out there and get the ball rolling.

And no remake like they have done to Heinleins books either....keep it real to the books, folks. :)


totally should make a remake and now is the perfect time for it.even the 'landmaster' should be kept as faithful to the original 9at least the outer design)as it hasnt dated one bit.


I thought of the "Logan's Run (2010)" remake, then I remembered reading about a remake of the movie "Damnation Alley (1977)". On the discussion board for the latter, a person does mention that there will be a remake of "Damnation Alley (1977)", and it will have actor Bruce Willis as Tanner, and actor Gary Coleman as Keegan (?)...whether that is true I do not know for a fact, however, I looked on Bruce Willis' page, and I wasn't immediately able to find anything about this "remake" as informed...perhaps it is something that is being developed and is not yet listed or publicized there on IMDb for Bruce Willis.

So, which would be easier to remake?

I would guess "Damnation Alley" (1977), as it had (as I remember it) humanity and interaction, with characterization also. The special effects were present, yes, and it was not so much of a futuristic, material or object expense.
However, I still enjoy each existing movie, for what it is, sci-fi classic. I do not beleive one is better than the other (I respect each movie for what it is, and the actual work and co-operation that made them what they are).


I think someone is having fun on your behalf. Gary Coleman? Now on the set of making the remake, does Gary turn to Bruce and say, "Whatchu talkin' 'bout Willis?!?!"

Cmon, lol.


I wouldn't mind a remake on this one for two reasons :

1) A remake would bring the studio to release the original on dvd.

2) The remake could be more faithful to the novel.


This film was a flop when released. I enjoyed it as a kid, especially the cockroach city sequence. I'd like to see a decent remake but doubt it will happen.
