MovieChat Forums > Audrey Rose (1977) Discussion > How annoying is that girl?

How annoying is that girl?

I mean really. I felt like throwing her out my window.


I mean really. I felt like throwing her out my window.


I did not find her annoying at all.

First off I LOVE the Exorcist and it is my favorite Horror movie. However, I did find Linda Blair embarrassingly dorky before she was possessed.

That whole "Mr Howdy that's rude" scene. Look at her here: She is no less annoying and 70's cheesy than Susan Swift in her roll.

I cringe everytime I see the scene:

I also preferred Marsha Mason over Ellen Burstyn who I also thought was a little fruity in the Exorcist. Especially with that bowl haircut and her dramatic over the top acting. BUT again, this did not stop me from loving the film. Usually I love EB but not in this.


Ah yes, that movie is one of the reasons I refused to own a Ouija board.

Anyhow, I thought Linda Blair was fine in it. I thought Susan Swift was fine in this during the nightmare scenes, even though her screaming was nerve wracking. She was whiny in the normal dialogue parts sometimes. Like after Ivy was burned at school, she was in the hospital talking to her parents crying "Why, why did I do it Daddy, why?" for some reason that part annoyed me.

I don't see how anyone can have a problem with Anthony Hopkins in this. This movie made me a fan of him, long before Silence of the Lambs. I could listen to him read the phone book.

I agree with you about Marsha Mason in this, she's great! Her reactions at the end, when Ivy is being hypnotized, are fantastic and heart breaking at the same time.



I found her to be a little creepy. Not likeable at all.


I just watched part of this movie again on TV after seeing it for the first time when it was on TV many years ago. The girl is incredibly annoying but then so is the whole movie. It has a fascinating premise, but is totally overwhelmed by melodrama and the constant crying, screaming and yelling of the main characters. NONE of the characters are sympathetic. Ivy's constant "fits" of regression where she whimpers, whines, whirls around and screams are incredibly annoying. I'm sure the child actress playing the part performed as she was directed to do, and I don't blame her. It was just badly scripted, badly directed, badly acted, and also BORING. I turned it off less than halfway through. Sad that Marsha Mason and Anthony Hopkins participated in this mess.


Wow sometimes I really wonder if I've just watched the same movie as other people when I read misguided threads like this on imdb.

Susan Swift is superb in this part plain and simple. She screams in about 4 scenes because she is going through a TRAUMATIC PAST DEATH WHERE SHE'S INVOLVED IN A CAR CRASH AND BURNS UNTIL SHE DIES! Do none of you empathy-lite 'she's annoying' fools realise this? So her screaming is loud. I'm sure most girls screaming is loud. She's having a severe trauma in her sleep ffs. Never mind wanting to push Ivy out of the window I'd rather do that to the OP Jackforrester instead who dropped his Troll Grenade and ran off!

Swift's performance is exemplary for one so young and in the 70s when child actors were usually awful and OTT. During all the haters turning-down-the-sound moments, they've obviously missed the severe panic in her eyes and her body language. She did really well and should be applauded for playing a difficult part very well.

How anyone can also criticise the other 3 main adult parts too is beyond me. They were all also great. Marsha Mason having her faith and morals continually tested throughout, John Beck reacting to a supposed threat to his family by lashing out, and above all Hopkins giving one of the best performances I've ever seen by him with his quiet unshakable belief and dignity. Just that restaurant scene where tears well up in his eyes as he's talking about Audrey Rose is breathtakingly touching acting.

And as for that numpty above aafleming - the movie ISN'T annoying and the main characters not being sympathetic means you don't seem to have any empathy. You say a sweeping empty statement like that and then back it up with zero evidence as to WHY they aren't sympathetic? I thought Mason in particular as the mother was incredibly sympathetic as was Hopkins in his own way.

The script was slightly iffy I'll give you that but the film was WELL ACTED, WELL DIRECTED AND ABOVE ALL INTERESTING AND THOUGHT-PROVOKING. If you found it boring, I think your attention span might need working on and maybe try another action movie instead? It's Mason's best performance of her career in my opinion and one of Hopkins top 5. So glad they appeared in it and really glad it's on Netflix so more people find it!


I admit, it's not often that I think to myself, "Damn, this acting stinks even for a little kid."
