MovieChat Forums > Three's Company (1977) Discussion > You know you're obsessed with Three's Co...

You know you're obsessed with Three's Company when...

...when you hear someone counting in Spanish "uno dos tres" and you yell "kaaa-TORSAYY!!!" funerals you walk around telling people "God forgot to wind it"

...every time you crack a joke about your wife you look at the 4th wall and smile


...whenever someone calls your bluff and makes it clear that they have the upper hand in any disagreement, you say in a high pitched voice, "......TRIPPER!"


I’ve seen this show only a handful of times in syndication, not really my type of show, but it must have been on right after some show that I did watch at some point because I’ve heard that damn theme song hundreds of times in my life.

Now you’ll have to forgive me cuz I’m gonna go very non P.C. and stupid because that’s the kind of humor I like but there is no malicious intent when I do it:

Come on suck on my balls
(Come on suck on my balls)
We’ll be takin a pooh
(We’ll be takin a pooh)
The adventures of queers and whores and whores and three bumbling Jews.
(That would be Mr. Roper, Jack’s friend and Don Knott’s character. I know, technically he’s not Jewish but due to his comedy style and appearance, in my mind, he’s an honorary jew)


I never knew "uno dos tres catorce" was a Three's Company joke. Bono from U2 is probably more famous for using that joke in the hit song Vertigo:



When the young version of you liked Somers but the adult version of yourself realised DeWitt was actually hotter.


You know you're obsessed with Three's Company when...

at the end of every party, you softly sing to yourself....."the party's overrrrrr"
