most shocking moments

what do people think are the most shocking moments in Grange Hill. i haven't seen all of them but from clips i think Zammo's drugs problem was kinda shocking and when someone drowned in a swimming pool.

Sarah Jane Smith: there's nothing `only` about being a girl


the lastest shockin moment was kathy gettin raped by donny when she was drunk that kinda shocked me and alexes suicide


Tanya nearly getting abducted was pretty shocking, i think i was like 15 at the time and it totally put me off chat rooms!


Judi's death. The show never recovered after she died.

Dear BBC, when are you going to show Nuts On The Road? NIM - NIM - NIM!!!


Jeremy's swimming pool death was a defining moment for a generation - I was about eleven at the time and it was pretty shocking. Even Zammo's overdose and Kendall's death seemed tame by comparison.


