From recent interviews that I have read, most of the "kids" in cast were doing drugs and were out of control with bad behavior. ABC cancelled the show despite decent ratings -- it was a trainwreck to produce.
Love that Joannie was actually older in real life than her screen step-mom Abby. ha
You Tube has the opening theme segments to the show and the TV reunions. The reunion with Willie Aames is a skanky mullet made me nauseous.
Love that Joannie was actually older in real life than her screen step-mom Abby. ha
Yeah, but wasn't Mary playing the oldest daughter? I find that more funny that a girl 7 years younger than the oldest female actress on the show is playing the eldest child or eldest daughter than one of the actresses portraying the one of the daughters being older than the "step" mom. Plus, it was never stated that Betty's character was that "young". From my view point as a little kid, Betty always seemed older.
Mary ( Lani O'Grady ) David ( Mark Hamill, Grant Goodeve ) Joanie ( Laurie Walters ) Nancy ( Kimberly Beck , Dianne Kay ) Elizabeth ( Connie Newton Needham ) Susan ( Susan Richardson ) Tommy ( Chris English, Willie Aames ) Nicholas ( Adam Rich )
IMO, Betty looked older than all the kids.
_ Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.
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I'm pretty sure that the ages went this way: David Mary Joannie (who was adopted) Susan Nancy Elizabeth Tommy Nicholas
I remember the episodes where Tom remarried and it was Elizabeth, as the youngest daughter, who was upset. Don't ask me who the Vice President was at the time, but I can remember useless stuff forever!
You can remember the birth order using the Bradford's silly saying: Dumb Martians Just Sit Nearby Eating Tender Noodles. Or for the reverse: Never Try Eating Nectarines Since Juice May Dispense (which is also the title of the pilot).
Thank God somebody posted those...because I was reading through everybody's posts wondering why nobody said anything. Also, Joannie is named after the mom, Joan. Not adopted.
Joanie was not adopted. In one episode she stated that she looked like Joan, her mother; this was when she was speaking to Abby. Interestingly enough, Laurie Walters and Diana Hyland did kind of favor each other.
Where on Earth did you get that Joannie was adopted from? I love Eight is Enough and not once have I ever heard somebody state this. The show itself indicated she was a biological child of the Bradfords so where does this come from?
It is easy to believe in the late '70s some young actors were using drugs and acting obnoxious. "Eight Is Enough" was probably expensive to produce because it had a large cast. One of the reason reality shows became popular was that those shows don't have actors earning high salaries.
The kids go like this. David 22, Mary 21,Joannie 20, Susan 19, Nancy 18, Tommy 16, Elizabeth 15, Nicholas 7 . Those are the characters ages as of season 1. Not real ages of the actors.
You be suprised which of child actors did not appear in the pilot. Mark Hamill was the original David, he left to do Star Wars. Kimberly Beck was the original Nancy, Curtis Ellison was the original Tommy.
Here's a kicker Ralph Macchio the Karati Kid joined the cast in the last season or two as Abby's nephew Jeremy Andretti.
Susan was only one the kids to marry in the series her baby was Sandra Sue. It was never said whjat babies played the role.
The kids go like this. David 22, Mary 21,Joannie 20, Susan 19, Nancy 18, Tommy 16, Elizabeth 15, Nicholas 7. Those are the characters ages as of season 1.
Tommy was younger than Elizabeth. Elizabeth was 15, Tommy was 14, and Nicholas was 8 during the first season.
Susan was only one the kids to marry in the series her baby was Sandra Sue.
Incorrect. In season 4 Susan married Merle and David married Janet in a double ceremony.
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You be suprised which of child actors did not appear in the pilot. Mark Hamill was the original David, he left to do Star Wars. Kimberly Beck was the original Nancy, Curtis Ellison was the original Tommy.Curtis Ellison was the original Tommy.
This is incorrect. Chris English was Tommy in the pilot. I am not sure who Curtis Ellison is, but he did not play Tommy, unless that is some alias for Chris English.
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I couldn't believe what replace it "The Greatest American Doofus oops sorry(NOT) Hero starring William Katt. Don't know what he was thinking, I watch the first hour of a 2 hour episode no where near a superhero, always running into walls, what ever happen after I didn't care ABC must have been on drugs LOL yes I was mad saying they replace Eight is enough for this. yes again ABC was out of their minds. of course going up CBS and NBC had better programs to watch.
Yes that was the case. The ratings were still very good but as you stated the kids were constantly getting into trouble and from what I heard the Producers were fed up. The show was cancelled due to bad behavior by multiple actors. Had it only been one, they might could have replaced them, but there was no way you could get rid of everyone, lol.
Another factor is that back then, they were a lot quicker to cancel something with decent ratings if they had enough episodes for a strong syndication package. Canceling the show enabled them to save all the production costs (including salaries for those out-of-control actors) and start cashing in on the syndication. From what I understand, reruns and syndication aren't nearly the cash cow they used to be, because we have so many other content options.
Eight is Enough was moved to Saturday nights half way threw the fifth season. Away from the familiar Wednesday time slot the ratings fell and ABC swung the axe. I remember them adding Ralph "Karate Kid" Machhio to up the cute factor but it didn't help. Shades of cousin Oliver from The Brady Bunch!
I recall reading Lani, Grant, and Adam had substance abuse problems. Did other cast members have them as well? I was a kid at that time and didn't pay attention to the celebrity news then.
Never heard those rumors before but they do stand to reason because somehow you can just tell by watching
Then by process of elimination that must mean that L Walters Di Kay C Needham and W Aames are not doped up and spinning out of control
You can just about tell that by watching any episode especially Di Kay and C Needham because they are perfection
Not since the Golden Years of Classic Hwood have you seen actresses as pretty as Di Kay and C Needham or as sweeet as L Walters
or at least until you watch D Mills or anyone as beautiful and talented as D Mills, Di Kay and C Needham which was very rare after Hwood abolished the Hays Code in 1967
A couple of female Country stars were also very beautiful and talented around this time but way too much time has passed since them
Therefore good for L Walters Di Kay C Needham and W Aames for bypassing that drug craze and looking good to this day for knowing how to keep in control
[harp] 🎻 [saint] [candle] [piano]
♪  Not even Mad Scientists get it right every time
Willie Aames has been pretty open about his abuse of drugs and alcohol. He seems to be good today.
I believe it was Brian Patrick Clarke (Merle) who said in the E Hollywood True Story that 5 of the 8 kids were on drugs and alcohol. Laurie Walters, Dianne Kay and Connie Needham seemed to steer clear of all this. I think it was Grant Goodeve, Lani O'Grady, Susan Richardson, Willie Aames and Adam Rich that all had problems. I do think all of the guys seem to be doing well today. But of course with addiction, that can all change pretty quickly.
I knew about Grant, Adam, Willie, and Lani's substance issues, but never knew about Susan. Although I knew she faced other hardships. Luckily Grant and Willie turned their life around. I hope Susan did too.