Terrible Movie

Sorry, just thought this was a terrible movie:

1) the maintenance guy goes up the ladder and the sniper hits him with the butt of the rifle and knocks him off; why didn't the police go up the same ladder until the end of the movie?

2) Flash bangs were available in the 60's. Just drop a few from the helicopter and go up the ladder and get him. Or, go up the ladder, toss a few over, then go get him.

3) Everyone in the stadium would be looking at the scoreboard a million times during the game, yet only one guy sees him.

4) fans were suppose to be soooo into the game they didn't notice the police snipers?

5) the sniper is clearly shot through the chest by the police, yet is still able to function? Completely ridiculous.

6) Most obvious - he kills about 20 people before they start shooting from the helicopter.

7) If he really wanted to start a panic, he could have just shot the ref or the quarterback.

8) they throw a smoke bomb into the sniper's room - why not tear gas, or the aforementioned flash-bang?

9) all the screaming during the panic exit...just silly.

10) How did the sniper know about the police snipers? He never scanned the towers with his scope...just stood up and miraculously scoped and fired on them...before they could pull the trigger (they were already scoped in on him).

Read about how Officer Martinez was the only one with the simple plan of just going up there and shooting Charles Whitman. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramiro_Martinez


I thought it was a pretty fun movie.
