Mystery Science Theatre Version is better ;)
Just like the title says, the MST3K version is one of the funniest MST3K's I had ever seen...
A pirate I was meant to be, Trim the sails and roam the sea.
Just like the title says, the MST3K version is one of the funniest MST3K's I had ever seen...
A pirate I was meant to be, Trim the sails and roam the sea.
uniquefreak- I agree, it's one of my favorites as well, but you can't deny that Legend of Boggy Creek 2 is one of the greatest.
yorrickhunt2- Get a grip! If you don't get to listen to the "sarcastic", yet hilarious, comments, what's to keep the interest of the crappy movies? Have you ever even seen one of these MSTified movies? They're hilarious. I don't see your problem with it.
Right on dude, Mystery Science Theater Rules hard core. There Hilarious, and your right Boggy Creek 2 is one of the best, "MUD!! do you realize what this means"? Oh and also good ones are Space Mutiny, Final Justice, Final Sacrafice, Puma Man, and Merlins shop of mystical wonders, Devil Fish, and the movie is HI-larious.
share Everyone in the movie has a horribly over-the-top southern accent. (So much so that Tom Servo develops a severe case of Southern Bellism and has to be saved halfway through the show by being given a pastrami injection by Mike and Crow.) And no one can act their way out of a hat, but the MST crew kept things light, and some skits were really good.
As for great MST3K... Pod People is funny as hell ("Wow, Trumpy! You can do STUPID things")... The Russo-Finnish film Jack Frost had some of the best MSTing I've ever seen. Just one zinger after another,("That's right feather! Find Forrest Gump, stick him in the eye and kill him")It also added the term "Terminal Enchantment" to my vocabulary.
Tea and Cake or Death?
they're GN
suzycreamcheese RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008
Yeah, the same here. I never cared for Mystery Science Theater, mainly because the couple episodes I watched for a few minutes weren't very funny, and if I haven't seen a film already, I don't want someone talking over dialogue. A lot of the films that were on MST I actually like, such as this one--a 7 out of 10 from me.
7 out of 10, are you kidding? How is it possible that you like movies but think this is a 7 star movie? Scary.
"And what would a note say, Dan? 'Cat dead, details later'?"
well, this guy's an idiot.
i like the cheesy movies and the commentary, if it werent there it feel more lonely without it. :(
"The wrestling program in hell is second only to Iowa" -Crooow! MSN: [email protected]
Agree completely! I can make up my own jokes, thanks!
share"Ah, screw the Olympics."
shareAlot of movies they cover on MST3k you wouldn't wanna watch on your own anyway. I know I wouldn't of bothered with this movie unless it was mystified.
Share the suffering.
stillhiro is right. Most of these movies are so bad that you would make your own commentary anyway. "Southern man don't need you around anyhow"-Servo
share"Let's ask Mr. Beardsley. MR BEAAAAAAARDSLEEEEYYYY!!!"
sharePeople are thinking of MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000 wrong if they assume it is only mocking the movies.
Tell me, if you can, "In what normal circumstances would an audience REWATCH a less-than-stellar movie up to 50 to 60 times regularly?" Could you find such an audience outside of a college FILM STUDIES class?
Yet many MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000 fans have indeed rewatched many of the featured episodes (and the movies inside of them) more than 60 times in the past 5 years (sometimes more than 60 times in a single year thanks to YOUTUBE and certain SHOUTCAST internet webcasting stations).
As a director or producer or member of the production crew, how much would you pay to get a "locked in" audience that would be willing to rewatch your product with such loving devotion?
Next up, since the featured movies are part of the MST3K experience, the loss of these movies in their uncut form is UNTHINKABLE & INTOLERABLE. How much would you pay for that level of devotion to a movie that had usually less-than-profitable reception in many theaters?
And since people are rewatching endlessly, they are also thinking of and discussing them far past their normal cultural expiration dates. Dissecting, theorizing, doing backtracking on the actor's careers, finding other films by the same directors, inviting the actors to convention appearances, and so on.
People vastly underestimate the attractive nature of MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000 as mere "talking over the movies". By doing so, they do not see the far bigger picture.
MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000 attracts the intelligent, the witty, the employed (oftentimes in high-skill high-paying career professions), and a vast cultural & intellectual slice of the human population. The movies are the feature, but also the food of thought of the whole MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000 experience.
I want to watch them on my own--in fact, I own a lot of them on video. MST does mainly genre films, and I collect genre films, because I love most of them, especially horror--I'm trying to watch every horror film ever made, at least once.
I never look at others' reviews before I watch a film the first time. I want to form my own opinion, unbiased from what others think. Since I also don't pay attention to MST, because I don't care for it, I've seen a lot of films that I liked quite a bit, such as Squirm, then later found out that they were on MST. I not only don't make up my own comments while watching the film, I get very annoyed if someone else, like my wife, makes comments while watching. I want to hear the film if I'm watching it and let the film absorb me as it can. I don't want to be drawn out of that experience. Not that I don't think any are "so bad, they're good", or just bad, but I still enjoy them much better if I'm not having to endure peanut gallery remarks too.
It sounds like someone gots bad taste in films.^_^
shareEveryone's taste is bad to some other person in the world. It's subjective. There isn't an objectively "good taste".
shareStill, the antiquing has been great!
shareTell me about it. I'm coming down with an extreme case of Southern belle-ness.
**He may have ocean madness, but that's no excuse for ocean rudeness.**
Here's something that's not subjective. Facts. Zacherly invented taking old movies that couldn't sell anymore to tv stations in their original uncut form and made them into entertaining shows (not movies) by making wise cracks over them, breaking into them with bits, etc. This was in the late 50s early 60s. Then later, Alvira did the same exact thing but with the added element of her tits, a key atrraction to horny horror/girl craving adolencents. Mystery Science theater was put on the air at the launch of HBO's 'The Comedy Channel,' (now comedy central) for one reason only-- it was DIRT CHEAP. Though a blatant rip-off of those earlier shows, it was another way to fill programming time for fifty cents. In the world of television, that's known as 'filler' programming and no matter how long it went on, it was never considered anything more than that. When comedy central grew and needed real ratings, it dropped it, then sci fi, in need of cheap filler, picked it up with the back 'library' of cheap shows. Anyone can put a voice over The Godfather and make cracks about the cotton in Brando's mouth, in fact, taking a classic film like that where the filmakers are taking themselves seriously, and goofing on it, might even reveal some imagination. But stating the OBVIOUS, that low budget films with way out premises are goofy! borders on embarrassing. In most cases, and particularly with films like 'Squirm,' the filmakers are light years ahead of wannabe's like the people on this wanna be show, and their fans. They're fully aware of exactly what they're doing, and to see jerk offs make the exact same jokes decades later, and young audiances actually take it as 'clever,' is mind boggling. It's impossible to define 'hip,' but it's easy to identify the opposite of hip: Mystery Science Fiction Theatre.' This post is not in support of films like Squirm, which constantly plays in it's entirety on stations everywhere without the need to be cut up into a show, but an attack on the 'me too' 'omage' blatant rip-offs that pass for originality these days, not just in a crapola show like this but many current horror films in general.
share I feel I must defend myself and my fellow MST3Kers from this sort of attack from pompous, humorless souls like yourself.
If you prefer films in their natural state, however crappy, that is your privilege. They are available in both forms, as you well know.
It's easy enough to call people names and insult their intellect because you feel your taste is superior to theirs or your sense of humor (if any) is more highbrow.
As for the unecessary history lesson on 'filler programming', I'm sure many MST3K fans know that this sort of thing has been done before in the past, albeit much less entertainingly. I never found "Alvira" (on my planet we had "Elvira") funny or clever in the least. You forgot to mention Vampira, (of the '50s), of whom Elvira, (of the '80s), is a blatant copy. She (Vampira) was before my time, but is likely to be the first to do this sort of thing. I have heard of Zacherly, but he was also clearly before my time. I'm not concerned as to whether or not MST3K is a totally original concept or whether or not the jokes are 'decades' old. Comedy has no expiration date, with a few exceptions. Silents from the '20s are as funny now as they were then.
I really don't think filmakers saw into the future and purposely made lousy movies knowing that someday they would be lampooned. That is very unlikely and even preposterous. As an example, the so-called 'worst director of all time', Edward Wood thought his hilariously flawed films were perfect.
If it were not for MST3K I would not have even heard of the vast majority of these films. Even with the wisecracking, and sometimes because of it, I have developed an appreciation for the work and effort involved in making these movies and a geniune fondness for some of them, including 'Squirm'.
MST3K simply makes an unbearably boring/stupid/ridiculous/inane, etc. film
watchable and fun for people who enjoy harmless laughs. I do not understand your vitriol.
I would recommend you lighten up, tenfour.
On my planet we also had 'Al' Vira. (El Vira's late uncle) Al also had an MST3K-like show back in the 60s, a Saturday morning kiddie show with this guy dressed as a robot. But hey, it's before your time so it doesn't count. BTW as you pointed out, Ed Wood DID take himself seriously, that's why it made such a compelling subject for a movie. But I'm talking about the low budget horror/sci fi filmmakers of the 70s when films like Squirm, Empire of the Ants etc. were made. They knew exactly what they were doing, have pointed out all the obvious pitfalls of low budget filmmaking in countless interviews and had zero pretentions about their work. Read some of those interviews, they read just like the material on that lame ass, filler program, only straight from the horse's mouths.
shareThe first time I saw this movie was on MST3K. It was hilarious. But since I'm a fan of bad b-movies anyway and of low budget flicks filmed in regional locations (for some reason Georgia and Florida produced more than their fair share of this kind of stuff)...I bought the uncut DVD. I can enjoy it either way.
I doubt MGM would have ever considerd releasing it on DVD with audio commentary and special features if it had never been given the MST3k treatment.
It's one of the more popular MST3k episodes.
Not as good as the Boggy Creek II or The Final Sacrifice episodes, but still very funny.
"Not as good as the Boggy Creek II or The Final Sacrifice episodes, but still very funny."
These are my favorites too. Waiting patiently for The Final Sacrifice episode to get released on one of the sets.
I've been a fan of Squirm since I saw it on the big screen back in the late 70' it a classic, no? But it's a fun 70's horror film...I may be more biased towards the horror films of the 70's and early 80's but more often that not I find myself enjoying the horror films from that time more than the recent ones, even the bad horror films from back then have entertainment value, not true for the recent bad ones though..... Squirm is one of the rare films that I've actually liked by itself, and on MST3k.
Wow, this is an old post, I know, but just in case you still visit here, what's on the uncut DVD that's not in the movie?
So you DO have a sense of humor! -Al Vira- Elvira's late uncle, ha ha!! I won't be requiring anything from any horses mouths, thanks anyway, hilarious though it may be. I'll just stick to MST3k. PS: I never said anything before my time didn't count.
They remind me of worms!
Trollin` trollin` trollin`, keep those threads a rollin', rawhide.
gidgetworld, you do realize that you were disagreeing with the director (tenfour)of "Squirm", right?
shareso? he's still a total spazz......
Well...good to see he's not bitter about it or anything...
He asked us, "Be you angels?"
and we said, "NAY, we are but men," ROCK!
Well, shame on Ten-Four for not telling us that himself up-front....
but in his defense, MST3K *was* filler, and was very crappy, in that first season (when they roasted "Squirm"). They clearly hadn't hit their stride yet, and were operating on a pathetic budget. Joel and Dr. Forrester were clearly already good actors, but the other guy...hadn't really settled into his role yet.
We shouldn't judge this eposide of MST3k by what we know now of MST3k's later years. Back then, it still had a lot of kinks & rough spots.
I think it's also important to remember that this form of heckling may be cheap giggles, but they DO work equally well on big budget movies. It's just another way to enjoy ANY film.
I'd pay good money to see even the best movies heckled... The Godfather, Best years of our lives, It's a Wonderful Life, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Titanic, Gone with the Wind. Just like skis versus toboggans or snowboards, this is just a different way to enjoy the same film.
It's truly unfortunate that MST3K never managed to rise above that low-budget/bad-movie stigma. Case in point: their only theater movie, "This Island Earth". Pretty good movie, bigger budget, and clearly still fun to watch. It's criminal that the Comedy Channel kept starving MST3K on a teeny tiny budget....especially for Thanksgiving Day all-day specials.
While heckling may not have been invented by MST3K, they certainly brought it to prominence and a new level of perfection....eventually.
I'm just sad that it's not still around. Or someone else's incarnation of the whole heckling format. It'd be SO cheap to do at a local cable station... or even as a form of houseparty.
This good-natured heckling also gives new life to movies that otherwise (no offense to Squirm or This Island Earth) gather dust on a shelf or on 3am TV slots. I can't tell you how many IMDB movies I've come across where people rated the movie 3, but the MST3k version 10.... and then started debating in lively, interested terms all the plot points and interesting bits about the movie itself.
Uh... they did Squirm the LAST season, actually the second to last show they ever did, so that argument goes out the window that the show got better. this was as 'good' as it was ever gonna get. BTW Squirm continues to run on pay channels like 'The movie channel' and Showtime to this day without any crappy commentary over it, some times at 3 am, and some times prime time. but in a world of Tivo and on demand, who cares?
shareMan, you're so bitter about this... what say did you have in the rights getting sold to the show?
shareNone what so ever. Just found out about it after the fact.
shareReally? Wow. That's terrible, I'm sorry. The studio definitely should have asked you before making such a move. That was low.
However, I do love seeing the movies featured on the show in their uncut form -- in fact, it's made me seek out a TON of movies that I've never heard of before. I was at something called Flashback Weekend in Chicago last year, perhaps you've heard of it. It's a horror festival with a drive-in screen, and it shows some movies like Evil Dead, Hills Have Eyes, etc. They also have classic trailer reels from the 70s. I heard of Squirm through there, as well, but my point is that MST3K made a lot of movies sought after that people never would have heard of before. Again, I'm sorry to hear that this happened without your consent, but do keep in mind that it majorly contributed to a lot of people like me to seeking out the uncut version. IMO, not every movie featured on the show is terrible, and a lot of good movies can be riffed.
I can't help but think Lieberman wouldn't hate MST3K if they hadn't riffed Squirm. I understand it's been done before, but it's still funny as hell. And Squirm wasn't exactly a masterpiece. Someone in the business this long should have a looser sphincter by now.
It's playing multiple times this week on Canada's Scream channel as well as the Drive-In Channel.
For something similar to MST, see the horrible Steve Smith's Playhouse.
sethness said: While heckling may not have been invented by MST3K, they certainly brought it to prominence and a new level of perfection....eventually.
I think that kind of movie "heckling" was "invented" by urban audiences in grindhouse theatres waaaay before MST3K. The show had its funny moments, but the best of them were gone by the time the show came to its end.
I would NOT pay money to see The Godfather heckled, because I enjoy the dialogue too much. It would be a waste of money. You can't improve on lines like "Leave the gun... take the cannoli.". Come on!
And what's so sad about MST3K not being around anymore? You don't really need that show to do what they did. Do it yourself with your friends, film it, and enjoy it. You could probably come up with better stuff anyway.
tnefour if i tried to msake a good movie and it turned out bad i think i'd lie tooo and say oh It was a comedy. oh and lay off us mysties have your precious bad films in their orignal version and leave us with outmstied up versions. Besides I do it to films too films that some think are good (Deep Blue sea is a bad film it is ludicrous anyone with a remote amount of common sense would relize how ridculous this film is honestly the sharks get out nearly eat abunch of teens and no one at the scince facility cares. they don't beef up security or anything what and of course as one reviewer put it so well "Susan treads carfully down a hall in three feet of water as well she should you nevber know when a 7 foot shark is lurking around" I mean Deep blue sea was made to be a great film yet it sucked so bad). i can name a doezen others that were as bad as squirm yet were made to be good. Bats heck even grizzly is bad yet these films were "made to be good" movies and some horror films that try to be funny like Jack frost (which was it supposed to funny or scary or just plain stupid cause it work as stupid the other two not so much) all of the I know what you did last summers Jaws the revnge Blair witch (which some liked and that is ok me yeah i don't find trees and rock scary but eh what do i know) I mean squirm came out in the Monster movie resurgence of the mid to late 70's where every director though Hey I can do jaws but with a bear or a killer whale or a aligator or a crocidile or in this case worms and be rich beyond my wildest dreams just like speilberg and of course most of them failed or just did blatant rip offs of jaws but with a different animal (Grizzly anyone) so in conclusion you like you films one way we like our another who is riht and who is wrong no one we both Have our tastes and that is it what is worng is when epople from one side or the other start arguing saying things like "Mst3k is filler material" "it;s crap" so on and so forth all i can say is thank god jaws came out first cause i don't think unizersal would of allowed jaws to happen had they seen this crap. which on a completly differnet matter don't u wish Mst3k would come back to amke fun of this new bread of bad films Like deep blue sea Night of the Leaper (killer bunnies come on killer bunies) and Bats i know i do.
shareMacgyver, When you make a film, let us know.
And Night of the Lepus (not Leaper) is not a new "bread" (breed) of film. The movie was made in 1972. In fact, there's nothing new going on in the world of horror films at all.
Everything is either reminiscent of something done before or a blatant rip-off. I haven't seen a really good horror film in over a decade. Name one damn horror movie that was original and honestly scary that was made in the last ten years.
On my planet you're all' wonder "you blew it up, goddammed you"
Am I being too pretentious?
I like waking up in the morning not knowing who I'll meet or where I'll end up: The Titanic
You hae some points but in the case of MST, I think you're missing a number of key elements. First, this was not something that was originated by the network or by a production company as "filler"; MST was its own independent creation in every sense of the word, first airing on a small Minnesotan broadcast channel, KTMA, for its first season as a collaboration between just a handful of people. As far as "filler programming" one again I don't think you realize how popular this show was and how much of a cult following it hd, especially after the third season. Few "filler" shows have conferences, letter writing campaigns, and fanatical internet websites dedicated to them, especially back in the day when the internet was comprised of Prodigy and AOL alone. If MST was supposed to be "filler", it was quite possibl the most successful "filler" in the history of television. Third, I'm not sure Zacherly or Alvira ever were able to make the range of social, cultural, politcal, and historical references one finds in any MST episode. Alvira was little more than sophmoric, frat-boy humor (How often did Alvira reference Stanislovski, Tschaikovsky, glasnost, the Emperor Hadrian, etc?), and having never seen any of Zacherly's work myself I can't comment. The fact of the matter is MST was able to reach a number of different demographics, from those who enjoyed some of the fra-boy sophmori humour, to those who would understand references to culture and history outside of simply pop-culture and current mores.
MST was something new, somthing special in and of itself. In the end, yeah some people like the cheapy, crappy horror and teen-exploitation films of the 50's, 60's, 70's, and 80's, and some people just like bad movies. I think even the people responsible for these movies would admit that these are not masterpieces to be savored by the public, so if you enjoy them, good for you, but there's no reason to rip into those of us who enjoy mocking said movies for their cheesiness.
Hey, guys... didn't realize you take this old show so seriously. Listen up...I was knocking the SHOW, not that fans! I now realize that 'Squirm' will live on as long as there are people who have nothing better to do than yack about it on the internet... INCLUDING ME! Peace out.
shareThere you go. I bet you could fit at least two fingers up there now.
Ok, Facts. You commented on Elvira's Uncle's "tits"? Is this the same lucidity with which you directed "Squirm"?
FACT: Neither Zacherly, Brother Theodore, Vampira nor Elvira EVER sat in the theater and made up comments WHILE the film was showing. MST3K is the first to take the concept to its next logical step.
Sure, these persons are all "old-movie'hosts", but doesn't it bother your film making sensibilities that ALL of these people almost exclusively lampooned horror movies? If what you say is true, where is Mel-Vira, lampooning Gone with the Wind? Or are you just so down on MST3K (FACT: Not Mystery Science FICTION Theater, it's Mystery Science Theater 3000, or MST3K; you seem to have confused MST3K with Science Fiction Theater, a series of shorts narrated and introduced by Truman Bradley) because they lampooned YOUR lame horror movie?
While we're discussing the concept of Unoriginality, how did you ever come up with such a finely nuanced character as the Sheriff of Fly Creek? Never have I seen such a riveting performance (well not until Jackie Gleason in Smokey and the Bandit). You should get down and smooch both Joel Hodgson's and Mike Nelson's hinders for helping keep this squalid little piece of flim dreck in many, many peoples' minds, instead of just your neighbors constantly asking you when "Squirm 2: When Power Lines Can't Be Fixed Anymore" is coming out.
Lighten up. You made alame movie, it's not the end of the world. What IS the end of the World? Tom "Billy Jack" Laughlin is trying to get a new BJ movie going.
Have we violated you yet?
"Take that you stupid head!"
"Death by partical board."
"I am an idiot!"
"Thank you giant Sister."
"Here you go Big Ethel."
"She's got the Pringles guy on her butt."
"Come on, no one is that southern."
"Down here boy we shape our hair in to waves."
"A flashlight."
To name a few.........
"Romp! Skip! CAVORT!"
My wife and I ROLLED ON THE FLOOR when we heard MST3K do that for is now an inside joke for us.
MST3K RULES...AND IF YOU DONT THINK SO---you need to see MST3K do "The Giant Spider Invasion". You will be won over, I guarantee it.
"Packers! Woo Hoo!"
I love MST3K!!!!!!!!!
shareI respect your opinion on the subject as i haven't seen the science theatre version, and have just downloaded the squirm version and look forward to watching it as im an advid horror fan of the 80's horror movies.
im also after a movie called pieces which is not availble here in austrailia.
like so many other 80's horror movies. :(
There's nothing wrong with MST3K per se. The thing with MST3K is, it's just too damn easy. B-Grade schlocky 50s scifi films & the like are TOO EASY as targets. It's important to have a sense of humor yes. But which sense do you have? The sense to watch an enjoyably bad movie with your buddies & make fun of it yourself or to listen to others do it? Something to think about for those of you who claim to have such an advanced SOH. Also, the type of audience that MST3K appeals to are the mostly unknowledgable film fans that are unable to look @ a film objectively & take into consideration when it was made & how influential it was. To poke fun of a Harryhausen scifi or "This Island Earth" is just in bad taste to a knowledgable scifi/horror film fan.
That being said, Jeff Leiberman is an extremely competent director & Squirm is justifiably a classic of the genre
Frankly you're on crack. Believe me when I say there are a number of films that are SO BAD that even MST couldn't save them. It is not something easy to do, certainly not something easy to do well enough to the point that people actually watch you. You have to realize that some of these movies are simply gawdawful... in fact gawdawful doesn't even begin to describe it. You are getting an individual to sit two hours through some of the worst movies ever made, and the only thing keeping them there, despite the horrible movie, is the riffs you are making about the movie... I'm sorry but that takes some talent and I wouldn't call it easy by any means.
And if being a film buff means you are unable to recognize a poorly done film when one is clearly dancing before you, I'm sorry but you have lost just about all credibility.
That being said, Squirm was a piece of crap that sat on my head till I begged it to stop.
You misunderstand me.
I didn't say that what the writers of MST3K were doing was "easy". I mean that old schlocky '50s sci/fi horror are "easy" targets. I'd personally love to see films that people clamor over that are TRULY bad get the MST3K treatment. "Armageddon", "Signs", F.F. Coppola's "Dracula" would all be good examples. Just keep rereading what I typed above until you get it.
And with all due respect I think you misunderstood what I said. Yeah we look at some of the schlocky movies and laugh at how corny and bad they are, and they seem like easy targets. But take something like "Night Train to Mundo Fine", or "Manos", or "Monster A-go-go", films that are so incomparably bad and incomprehensible that you wouldn't even want to watch them in the first place. MST takes these films and not only makes them watchable, but the above movies are considered some of the best of the series. Once again, you are getting people to sit through a movie that otherwise is utterably unwatchable solely because of your ability to make entertaining riffs about the movie. That, I think, is the main concept that I may have failed to translate in my last post.
That being said, MST did riff on some more recent movies in their "Little Gold Statue" specials. The problem of course is getting the rights to show these movies as part of MST, which is ungodly expensive.
I understand what you're saying. & I'm not ripping on MST3K (I myself have enjoyed watching it). I'm just taking issue with certain of it's choices for movie bashing. Now, they may well be paying homage to This Island Earth in the movie (It's historically one of the most important Sci-fi's ever made) but TIE absolutely does NOT qualify as a bad movie. Neither, for that matter, does SQUIRM. It's all about what constitutes a bad movie to you. There are also different levels of "bad". Is a film "bad" when the director clearly knows while he's making an ultra-low budget film that what he's going to see on screen is going to be hokey & gross-out fun? I don't think so. Now, is a film "bad" when the director, producer, etc. have this idea that they're making a worth while, top-notch, big-budget extravaganza & the filmakers are so sh*tty @ their so-called craft that they can't even block out a shot properly & as a result need to edit on avg. every 6 seconds of film (any Bruckheimer/Bay flick). In my opinion, THAT is a BAD film.
In this case, I simply take issue with the comment that the MST3K version of Squirm is better than the original. I'd be willing to bet that 99% of these posters have not watched the original (another issue I have with MOST (not all) MST3K fans is that they have never seen the originals of these flicks b4 seeing the goof version).
That being said, "Manos-hands of fate" & "Monster a-go-go (what monster?)" ARE terrible flicks, but ALREADY knowing that is what made me want to watch the MST3K versions.
& yes, I do understand that the cost to get the rights to a movie like "Titanic" & "Armageddon" would be astronomical.
Just a Lieberman fan coming to his defense. & sometimes the best defense is a good offense no? :-)
The thing is, you really can't replicate MST3K yourself unless you scripted it all out and time it perfectly, like they did back then. Doing it "live" doesn't really work, and actually just sounds terrible if done by the average person.
Noah's Ark 7521
<<< If your good and drunk, you can make a good one. We did one with Harry Potter.
My favourite quotes from the Squirm MST3K
This is the Story... "of a man named Jed"
"Um, I accidently married the sheep"
Squirm is not a good movie in any way, shape, or form. Besides the annoying, inbred looking cast, what is with the whole 'killer worm' concept in the first place? Not only is that a dumb idea, but it's made worse by the fact that in the far shots it is clearly mounds of spaghetti, and close up shots are SCREAMING millipedes! Since when do worms have lungs? And the script was apparently penned by a five year old on crack. While I will admit that this makes for some of the most unintentionally funny lines ever put on film - "you gonna be the worm face!" being the best of them - this does not make for gripping cinema. Without MST3K, there is no way in Hell that I would have sat through this piece of crap. Or most of the other films they riff on, either. Although I did sit through Werewolf and Timechasers, because they are almost standable by themselves. But I very much doubt that I could have gotten through Squim without the quips. And Mr. Lieberman can look at it this way- a film that would have fallen off the radar long ago is now immortalized by the millions of MiSTie's out there. Squirm will never die, now that it's had its day with MST3K.
I'm going to take your opinion with a grain of salt considering you haven't watched Squirm legitimately. I first caught squirm on "night owl theater" out of Mpls. back when I was in my early teens b4 MST3K even existed (it's PROBABLY where the "genius" who first got the idea to rip on it first saw it too). Squirm will live on DVD long after MST3K is forgotten. Just as it lived some 12 yrs before.
I think you guys are missing the bigger picture here. Personally, if I were a film director, actor, producer or whatever else - and I am none of those things - I would want my movies to appear on MST3K. I think people know when they are making a B-grade film, and I think they know that alot of people really dont enjoy B-grade movies. But when these movies appear on MST3K a large chunk of what would otherwise be a disinterested audience suddenly becomes riveted.
Like myself for instance. I would NEVER have sat through Squirm in its virgin state. Its a horrid movie that if it weren't being heckled by an unlikely astronaut and obviously intoxicated robots I would be forced to heckle it myself. But thanks to MST3K I am now aware of the film and I thoroughly enjoyed watching it.
That having been said... Thanks to Tenfour for creating this movie (though it was WAY over southern), and thanks to the crew of the satellite of love for making it bearable. I'll definately watch it again.
hey all you mst3k-ers, if you're in the NY area, come on down to the two boots pioneer theater on oct. 30 for a screening of Squirm in it's original 35mm state, uncut and un commented on. Exept for one thing... the reason for the screening is to do a Rocky Horror type thing, and I WANT the audience to participate and shout out the lines as they come up. lots on this board have never actually seen the movie, just the way shortened way cut up mst version, so if you're into it, get hold of the dvd or something, then come on down. If it's it goes over well, someone wants to do it in LA. But Kayud... I really don't care about people being exposed to a cut up version, customized to accomodate third rate schoolyard goof humor, rather have them never see the film at all. But as far as goofing on it goes, well, as i've said about a thousand times by now, I did that back in 1976. a movie that starts with a serious 'factual' crawl about a 'true story' about power lines jolting millions of worms into monsters... uh... was NOT meant to be taken seriously. Squirm was a HIT back then because people were already laughing by the end of the opening crawl. Anyway, come on down and shout along. YOU can be the worm face too! best to all, JL uh.. ten four
shareI can understand feeling the sting of having a movie you made goofed on. Even bad movies are expensive to make and stressful, I’m sure. I just can’t help but feel like your opinion would be vastly different if Squirm wasn’t an MST3K episode.
Seriously, I laughed for five solid minutes at, “Mom, a nice lady named Diane Arbus wants to take pictures of me.”
Not every episode is gold – but when MST3K is running on all cylinders it’s priceless.
Drinking - Movies - Drinking
Seriously, I laughed for five solid minutes at, “Mom, a nice lady named Diane Arbus wants to take pictures of me.”
Not every episode is gold – but when MST3K is running on all cylinders it’s priceless.
Priceless to YOU maybe. Lame and not funny at all to me. Ditto for that show which is now off the radar of contemporary culture. Outsiders like you will never grasp the concept that this is a business, and there's no 'sting' in being goofed on-- it's the sting to the wallet wasting TV sales on bottom of the basement filler shows like that.
You are so bitter and angry that I wonder if this some kind of joke.
Lame and not funny at all to me.
Outsiders like you will never grasp the concept that this is a business
there's no 'sting' in being goofed on-- it's the sting to the wallet wasting TV sales on bottom of the basement filler shows like that.
off the radar of contemporary culture.
You made a movie about worms. Stop trying to make people think that you intended it to be a funny movie. The performances would've been less stiff and annoying if you had let the actors in on the joke. "But that is what I wanted." I doubt anyone believes that. MST3K has probably made you a bit of money. If you're so confident in your abilities then make something else. What's to stop you? You did say that Squirm will live on after MST3K.
P.S. To say that Squirm will live on after MST3K is kinda ignorant.
I just want you to know that I AM NOT Jeff Lieberman. Just a big fan of his. If you want to know a little bit about Lieberman & if you can get your hands on it via Netflix or one of those other rental things, check out "Blue Sunshine". The interview is revealing. All of his flicks are low budget, but not quite as schlocky as "Squirm". "Just Before Dawn" is his best IMO.
It's ignorant to say that "Squirm" will live on after MST3K? I don't see how you can come to that conclusion. Ignorance suggests a lack of information on the subject in discussion. MST3K was hugely popular back in the VHS era, Squirm was not on VHS for most of that time. Both MST3K & Squirm have been issued on DVD in recent years. I've seen the Squirm DVD on store shelves MANY times but have only seen MST3K eppys on the shelves ONCE. I don't think it's a stretch to say that many years from now, when all of the original fans of MST3K have kicked the bucket (fans of MAD MAD MAD MAD WORLD will create their own visual here) MST3K will no longer exist in whatever format is prevalent @ that time, but Squirm will.
Go look up "Digital Archive Project", or DAP. Then go on YouTube and search for MST3k, and see how many times the episodes have been watched.
Then try to find a single fansite or copy of Squirm.
Then you probably want to reasses your statements here.
Well then that just shows what a bitter sour and egotistical person you are, Jeff. The people who made movies like, say, Time Chasers and parts: the clonus horror, and innumerable actors like Rex Reason, Beverly Garland, Miles O'Keefe, Robert Vaughn, etc. LOVED what MST3K did with the films they starred in. Even if they're not the majority (Joe Don Baker and Rick Sloane would agree with your take), they clearly have a sense of humor, perspective, and self-deprecation that you sorely lack. Your movie was a frigging horror film about killer worms, not Citizen Kane. If MST3K got hold of the film without your permission or knowledge, blame the production company for that. It's hardly the Brains' fault, although I don't wouldn't blame them for wanting to avoid someone like you.
Of course MST3K isn't an original show in its basic concept. But the way they set about doing it certainly was. Their level of humor goes far beyond simply poking fun at the crudities of a low budget film, if you pay attention to the show. I actually like some if not most of the films that have run on MST3K. Gorgo, The Deadly Mantis, This Island Earth, Time Chasers, parts: the clonus horror. I've enjoyed all of those films and more to some extent. That doesn't mean I have any problem with them being mocked.
Truth be told, Squirm is a decent movie and I could watch it without MST3K, but it's hardly a masterpiece. It's unfortunate that you're unable to laugh at yourself and feel the need to lambaste the hard work of other people with a show that more people probably watched than have seen your film.
There may be honor among thieves, but there's NONE in politicians!
This movie is an insult to Nancy Drew. Oh yeah, that's right, it was an 'omage' (sic) to Nancy Drew. hahaha! It sure as hell isn't better than a lot of "killer bug" movies that are actually GOOD (goof/kitch/camp factor included! You're no Jack Arnold, my friend). You have a right to not like MST3K. Sometimes the humor is more corny than the actual movies lampooned, some of which are more like obscure curios that bring mindless entertainment than flat out "bad" movies. But you are sounding mighty ass-sore that someone other than you revived its success. MST3K is not original and not always funny, but then again, neither is your worm movie. So both of you are two sides of the same coin. Deal.
-A sci-fi and exploitation movie enthusiast that doesn't take life so seriously
I didn't bother reading all the inane posts in this thread, as I got the jist of it in the first page...
I am a huge fan of "B" genre movies. I loved this movie. However I am quite capable of making fun of it at the same time. I've never actually seen the episode of MST3K where they play this movie, but I can imagine that it was hilarious.
So it's possible to love this movie, and still enjoy poking fun at it's downfalls. It just takes the right attitude. ;)
I liked the movie SQUIRM as a movie to itself.
What worked for rewatchability to me is found in the the music, some of the pacing (it made you feel like a day had passed yet not in a dull way), the character of Roger (the wormface) was engaging (and he was handsome despite playing a dumb character for the movie), and the Sheriff was a bit amusing while being threatening.
A lesson in understanding my reasoning is the simple question...
In the movie, "MANOS THE HANDS OF FATE" the lynchpin character was Torgo. Remove him and the movie falls apart. Even replacing him with a different person in the existing cast would not work very well. He could be played by a different actor these days though. Granted, The Master of the Manos movie was very notable with his silent facial expressions and booming line delivery, but he could be replaced with another character.
In the movie, "SQUIRM" we have to ask, "Whom can we afford not to lose?"
Roger sets up most of the major plot movements (appears as a vague conflicting character early on, is attacked by worms, and is a minor threat at the very end.
His is the character that is developed the most.
The character of "Mick" is replacable (although Don Scardino does manage to give a number of very memorable character moments) because the character is generally written to be the fall-guy for most of the major plot traumas. But he does manage to drive the plot forward very well to allow most of the scenes to happen.
"Geri Sanders" is replacable with most any other female cast member as her character is a sounding board to prevent the character of Mick from talking to himself for most of the movie. It might have made a much more interesting movie if the character of Geri Sanders was played by the "excessively Southern mom" character of "Naomi Sanders".
Beyond that, almost every other character (aside from the Sheriff) could easily be recast by employing someone else. The Worm Attack scenes could be easily changed in many ways to expand or shorten the movie.
They said red haired people shouldn't have children. That's truly offensive. I won't watch another MST3000.
AGREED! I lovve all MST3K almost. Boggy Creek 2 and Squirm must be my favorites though! I bought Squirm w/ the MST3K stuff so that me and my friends could make our own! Fun for sleepovers. =)
--Emilie AKA Emo Barbie =)
Wow, I'm an above average casual fan of MST3K and didn't even KNOW they did a rift on this movie!!!!
Just finished watching the regular DVD & this movie is enjoyable for what it is...a creepy-crawler horror film with a slow build up, but decent payoff!
I'm your average ordinary everyday, jorgeegeetooo!
Which version is better? It all depends how you want to watch it. I like both versions.
I was disappointed that the MST version cut out one of the most horrifying things in the movie- what happened to Roger in the boat. Otherwise, not much that really mattered was cut, but being a fan of the show, I would've liked to see the uncut movie riffed. I understand the time constraints and all, but maybe some show episodes could have been 2 1/2 hours long and if the network wanted to cut it down to 2 hours, so be it- if we could have the whole episodes on DVD. All in all though, this was a good episode with funny jokes. IMO, this is one of the best movies they did.
By itself, I find it to be a good horror movie. The only thing I have against it is there is no answer to the question, "How and when did Mr. Beardsly die"? If the worms got him, there should have been an indication of passage of time. You don't have a totally de-fleshed skeleton just a few days after death. Other than that, it had good storytelling and pacing and a good atmosphere, things that horror movies today could learn from it.
I'm probably the kind of movie fan every horror/sci-fi director from the early silents to the 1980's hoped is out there in spades. I grew up on Marvel comics and love the older ones to this day. I also like the movies that are still coming out to this day. They take much suspension of disbelief and you don't have that ability, you can't enjoy a horror/sci-fi movie in the way it's supposed to be enjoyed. Perhaps also of note is the fact that I'm a near-life-long pro wrestling fan. Sometimes that a takes a big suspension of disbelief too.
Squirm is a movie that doesn't take as much suspension of belief as Night of the Lepus. While rabbits can bite, no one is grossed out or creeped out by them. But there are people who are grossed and/or creeped out by worms. Do worms bite? That depends on the species. Some have hooks around their mouths like tapeworms and leeches for attaching themselves to their host. These things seemed to have spider-like mouth parts, so they certainly could bite. These worms were somehow altered by the electricity from the downed power line. I'd like to believe, for my suspension of disbelief, that there was some other mysterious element that played a role. So what if it was never mentioned in the movie. They never tried to figure out why the worms were acting that way anyway.
Going back to Marvel comics, a combination of a secret "super soldier formula" combined with mysterious forces in the swamp to change scientist Ted Sallis into the Man-Thing. No one in the comics ever tried to investigate those forces but they were obviously there. I think D.C.'s The Swamp Thing had a highly similar origin. Then you had Hydro Man, who was Navy seaman Maury Bench. He fell overboard into some mysterious forces in the water and became the dreaded supervillain. Who's to say there are no mysterious forces in the real world? In the real world, you have times when dead birds fall from the sky. Supposedly, there were also mass bird attacks like in Alfred Hitchock's The Birds. Ships and planes mysteriously disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. There has been spontaneous human combustion. Who's to say whether an animal species (perhaps like those real life birds) can't be altered into killers or just aggressive attackers? Maybe the alterations could include size as well.
Suspension of disbelief comes more naturally for some than others. For the others, I believe it can be learned. Once you learn it, you can even use it for movies like Plan 9 From Outer Space! For movies from before your time, you would also need to keep the time era in which it came out in mind and it helps to know the lingo of the time and their ways of doing things back then. S of D is actually topic there is a whole lot to, so that's all I'll say about that.
Squirm is good in either version. I recommend watching the original version of all MST3K movies first, so you can choose whether or not to enjoy it on its own merit before MST3K makes you automatically dismiss it as a bad movie that you wouldn't watch without the MST3K guys. Many people were unfortunate victims of that trap.
I love MST3K, but I didn't think SQUIRM was a great choice for the show. While this movie did have some "camp" elements, it honestly had too much class to work for MST3K.
That's probably why MST3K edited the scene with Roger getting attacked on the boat. It was a great scene, and the FX for it are still good today.
There is some dumb dialog here and there, and some of the southern accents are comical, but just not enough material to parody, in my opinion. SQUIRM works much better as a strait horror/sci fi flick.