But Saving Private Ryan glorifies war and makes it exciting like an action movie. Don't get me wrong I love Saving Private Ryan too (I saw it three times at the cinema) but as a mature adult I now feel that the message of Saving Private Ryan is wrong.
I'm starting to think that the remake of All Quiet on the Western Front is probably the best war film ever made along with Cross of Iron. Who would want to go to war after watching these two films?
I disagree. True, it's the Spielberg's movie and that may mean much or may mean nothing at all. I never get anything out of the movie, only that gruop of men are desperately trying the find a guy and bring him back alive. As Tom Sizemore's character at one point says:"Saving Ryan is probably the only human thing in this *beep* war".
And while it looks like spectacle, some of it does it the other way around. Take the Omaha beach landing. Whole scenes is entertaining to watch, but in the same time is sad and startling. First time I watched I almost cry, don't know if it was due to expert filmmaking or the sheer brutality of war. For instance, several man being gunned down in a second from the machine guns, or guy lying with his guts spilled out or one soldier searching for his missing arm, etc.