I really, really liked the first Ilsa-movie, you can have nazis commit just
about any kind of atrocities and not be that far off the mark, but this one is
just unbelievably offencive!
"Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks" pretty much depicts every single Arab as a
sadistic monster. It's sickening how xenophobic this movie is.
It even accounts to Ilsa herself - she lives in selibacy until the first
American comes along, and then she becomes pretty much his sex-slave.
Now, I'm a European (Finnish, actually) and I have nothing in particular against
the US, but this movie just seems to be an exercise in xenophobia. Especially
in today's political climate, I only fear that the common people in the US share
this movies views of foreigners, and Middle-Easterns in particular. I'd like to
think that the times have changed since this movie was made, but I'm not very
The first Ilsa-movie I gave 10/10, in this one the only good things were the
nudity (which there was much less than in the first movie) and Velvet and Satin,
they were hot indeed! 5/10, and that's being generous!
Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style
Ladies vomit when I smile