I'm just glad to see that I'm not the only one. I just watched an Unsung Hollywood episode, which featured this movie and since I've heard so much about it and knew that I could watch it free on HBO demand, I decided to watch. I went through the whole movie like . With all the talk and knowing that Richard Pryor and George Carlin was in the movie, I expected to erupt into laughter at some point but to my disappointment, it never happened. The most the film received from me was a few chuckles every now and then. If not for the fact that I was waiting to see something funny happen and alos the fact that I'm one of those people that if I start watching a movie, I have to see it through the end, I would have turned the movie off half way through and gone to sleep. I would say that The Wash with Dre and Snoop was much funnier, to me.
All typos and misspellings courtesy of a public educational system.