MovieChat Forums > Laverne & Shirley (1976) Discussion > Let's think of some funny 'Hello!' lines...

Let's think of some funny 'Hello!' lines...

This ought to be great - let's come up with our own "Hello!" cues for Lenny and Squiggy. I'll start us off...

Laverne (saying Big Rosie Greeenbaum looks like the Wicked Witch): She's already got the looks. All she needs is a couple of Flying Monkeys.
Squiggy: Hello!


One of the few highlights of the California seasons was the "I Do, I Do" episode in 1982. Laverne and Shirley went to a pot party. Laverne thought she saw Simon & Garnfunkel at the party, but when they turned around it was Lenny and Squiggy. HELLO! Penny Marshall was in a relationship with Art Garfunkel in the mid '80s. I get the impression it was after that episode. I wonder if they were friends when the episode was written.
