MovieChat Forums > Laverne & Shirley (1976) Discussion > Let's think of some funny 'Hello!' lines...

Let's think of some funny 'Hello!' lines...

This ought to be great - let's come up with our own "Hello!" cues for Lenny and Squiggy. I'll start us off...

Laverne (saying Big Rosie Greeenbaum looks like the Wicked Witch): She's already got the looks. All she needs is a couple of Flying Monkeys.
Squiggy: Hello!


One was something like "I'm not sick and nothing is going to make me sick." "Hello!"


Shirley: We need someone to help us! Someone who wouldn't mind being slightly taken advantage of. Someone who would work for less than a buck.

Laverne: Yeah, someone with brains the size of a tadpole.

Squiggy: Hello!

"How can I move when you've stopped the music?"-me.


Laverne: "Hey Shirl, did you see in the paper where a scientist was tryin' to cross a monkey with an ape?"

Lenny and Squiggy: "HELLO!!"

Shirley: (after looking at what just entered) "Laverne, phone the scientist and tell him his experiment worked!!"


Shirley: "It's like that nasty green stuff in the back of the refrigerator..."

Squiggy: "Hello!"



Did they ever 'knock'??? Well, what they did in the privacy of their apartment was NOBODY'S business but their own....


Shirley: Laverne, you left crumbs all over the kitchen floor again. That's going to bring out all kinds of creepy crawly pests.

Squiggy: Hello!


Shirley: "I never thought I would have to make the decision to have an abortion, but I want my child to have the best chance to live a happy and fulfilling life" (She begins to silently weep)


Ever hear of a ritual killing? (Uncle Buck)


Please click on
for some of Lenny & Squiigy's best entrances. I wish it also had Squiggy's hello lines.


