Filthiest House on the Block
I just started watching Family - trying to bone up on some of the 1970's series of note that I missed. I liked the pilot, but one thing really bothered me.
Why was this seemingly upper middle class house so dirty? Even the casual viewer will notice that there is DIRT all over the place. The white walls clearly show handprints and that type of dirt all over the house. Especially around doorknobs etc. A big example is the scene in which Buddy is sitting on the stairs listening to her parents conversation - the corner of the wall is seriously caked with dirt. In the same scene, the kitchen cabinets have the same filth around the handles. What's up with that?
Right off the bat we see Kate scrubbing garbage cans, and are told that she has 'help', so why can't one of those two wipe the walls. I realize it was the 70's and people were into being a little greasy and 'earthy', but this is ridiculous.
Any thoughts on this would be great. :)