I first saw this movie when I was 18 - it was definitely senior year of high school, I saw it on TCM after coming back from some class contest - and immediately loved it. Despite being a history buff I didn't really know that much about Roosevelt, at least compared to other Presidents (I've always been a Lincoln man), then I almost immediately read Theodore Rex and my love of the Colonel immediately took off. Heck, I did a scene from this movie for my senior high talent show that year.
Keith is an excellent Roosevelt, mixing humor and dignity, childish enthusiasm with thoughtful reverence. He's pretty much the perfect encapsulation of the public perception of TR, and it's a wonderful performance in the midst of what's, let's face it, a pretty silly movie. However, I might argue that Tom Berenger's performance in Milius's later Rough Riders is better - at least, it's more realistic.
Technically Raisuli is a Berber, not an Arab, but that's still cool you feel that way. Milius said something on the commentary about how Muslims seem to enjoy the movie, now we have at least anecdotal evidence that such is the case.
On that score, a few months back I read an article about the film by some pretentious historian which left open to question whether he'd actually seen the movie - he saw Raisuli as being portrayed as the villain (!), complained about how he wasn't a representation of the REAL Raisuli (who was by all accounts a thug, but apparently not in this guy's mind), went off on feminist readings about Raisuli's "sexual dominance" over Eden (huh?), and most amusingly, whined about the Bashaw's troops being killed by the Marines and cited some BS about a Hollywood stereotype of Muslims being cowardly fighters. Apparently he fell asleep during the scene where the Raisuli single-handedly rescued Eden and her children from the pirates! Anyway, that guy was a moron.
"Some men will say we are traitors. Some will say we're patriots. Both will be wrong."