* Absolutely *
And to set things straight, yes the movie is too long in various productions. If anything the movie soundtrack should set the pace for the movie. It's shorter and much better arranged/produced ... It also appeals to the pace of today's audience. What most people forget is this movie was released in 1975... Hello people... 90% of those who went got stoned and time was irrelevant. :D - Thanks to everyone having ADHD today, we can bring it back down to 90 mins or so in stead of the 111...
And no... a lot of the stars listed in this thread won't work no matter how "COOL" it would be... no returns cameos here folks.
The trick to this remake is creating a musical cast that can support the film. It's just sad that most people who would make this a kick ass remake such as David Bowie, Nick Cave, Ric Ocasek may all be too old. Sure there's make-up and such but yea... tough gig... MAYBE Andy Prieboy as Tommy's Dad...
I will say that Ann Margaret's role should /possibly/ go to Paris Hilton. Think about it - All she needs it some seriously time in a dark closet being fed Top Ramen with ACID and some serious coaching/direction/dicktation and this WILL end up being the turn around moment for her -
Oh for *beep*'S SAKE - come on - Paris can ride a bean couch pillow just as good if not better then Anne but ya better move fast - the earth is rotating ya know.
Others could include: Kid Rock, Justin Warfield, Scooter (lol), Chester Bennington, Buck Cherry, maybe Marilyn Mansion, etc... however, for Elton John you could bring out Iggy Pop - He doesn't age.
Direction? Actually John Waters isn't such a bad idea :) However Ken was able to really nail nuances in a manner that would require a little bit of Oliver Stone or Michael Mann thrown in.... Heck, it may have to flow like a Scooter video too (See Nessaja)
I grew up with a writer as a father and got to see hundreds and hundreds of movies at the Writer's Guild growing up and there's mos definitely a lack of directors that would make this choice 'Easy'... Hell.. Ken's still alive too :D
In either event, yes, this really needs to be redone. One more Hanna Montana type musical movie and the industry's gonna end up having to fire 10000 more people.