racist line in the movie

when the condor asks the group of black people in the lobby if they had a coat hanger and if they could help him break into his car

but here's the real racist line:

"You can't tell me you've never busted into a car."


Yep, I felt that way too. I wasnt looking for it but I felt a pang of unnecessary stereotyping in that scene. The reason I felt that way because he was the first black person I see in the movie and someone is asking him to break into a car and telling him "come on, you can't tell me you've never broken into a car". It just had some racist undertones.
I mean it was the 70's and I think cars were a little easier to berak into than they are today; so yeah back then I think everyone had breaking into a car on their list of skill sets. The girls in the group could have helped in break into his car as easily as the black youth could.
My only point was that they could have cast a white male for that scene as easily as a black male
just my .02


How 'bout this...you need to get a group of people to follow you outside...so you come up with a line about needing help to get into a locked car...this is a strange request...at night in a big city...many might feel uncomfortable doing this...you would need to establish a rapport with your mark...so you make a lighthearted comment about knowing how to do it...thus disarming your mark's potential resistance, especially if said mark is black and aware of such stereotypes. To me Condor's comments were quite natural. Then again, I don't have pangs. I have testicles.


The girls in the group could have helped in break into his car as easily as the black youth could.

That's one of the dumbest things I've read on IMDB.

Back in the day, I only ever had to help women 'break into' their own cars with the coat hanger trick.

Dudes, white or black, just seemed to have a knack for it.

Oh my! Now I'm being sexist!


That's one of the dumbest things I've read on IMDB.

Back in the day, I only ever had to help women 'break into' their own cars with the coat hanger trick.

Back in the day I knew women mechanics and those mid 70s cars were NOT that hard to break into. Everyone, with any car knowledge at all, knew how to unlock a car with a coathanger. Gender and race had nothing to do with it. Plus, if you were younger, you probably knew better how to do it than someone ten years older.

No kidding.

So no, it wasn't racist and no, it wasn't even sexist.


thank you, racist movie line police. we can all sleep nights now.

seriously, why do you waste people's time with this nonsense? Do you really think the IMDB community is thinking, "thank god 'subwoofers' is on the job"?

get a life, please.

What the $%*& is a Chinese Downhill?!?


thank you, racist movie line police. we can all sleep nights now.

seriously, why do you waste people's time with this nonsense? Do you really think the IMDB community is thinking, "thank god 'subwoofers' is on the job"?


when i saw this subject line, i said 'oh no here we go again'

and i can't BELEEEEV it aactually came up here, on this board of all places.

i swear these language police have NOTHING BETTER TO DO. man what paranoia huh

"You are literally too stupid to insult."

"Thank you."


Hilarious the gullible are distracted by the smoke and mirrors while the Western Rome burns.


very very well said.

"You are literally too stupid to insult."

"Thank you."


thank you op, you gave me a big satisfying laugh this morning to start my day off right. and i love all the 'boy' and 'watermelon' comments other posters made. priceless.


"You are literally too stupid to insult."

"Thank you."



I think he meant it in a way that most guys have broken into a car when they or some beautiful chick locked their keys in the ignition. But I guess in your world the black guy should have taken it as racism and played 'knockout game' with Turners head. Do you think not doing so made the black guy a 'Tom'?


Racism and prejudice are not identical. So many idiots in America blur the distinction.


Yeah well the fact is that blacks are associated with criminal activity.

I call it realistic.

