Raymond Chandler
Anyone else find it odd that the character of Raymond Chandler was in this movie? The mentioning of him and (especially) the scene with him both completely took me out of the movie and just seemed so untrue. For one thing, a novelist was also a chemist? Also, he didn't act at all like I'd imagine the real Raymond Chandler to act. Finally, the real Chandler died in the late 50s, and there was nothing in this movie to suggest that the story took place in a decade other than the one it was made in: the 70s.
I understand the idea of having him in the story was to gently push the audience into seeing that this was a grave mystery/suspense story, as Chandler himself wrote mysteries and detective stories, but good god it was unnecessary and just strange.
"Stwike him, Centuwion ... vewy Wuffwy!"