This is Commie propoganda

This films was so "progressive" it made me laugh. Here's a list of things the film considers good and bad, all taken from the dialog (which also coincide with the Communist manifesto, coincidentally):

Men - bad
Women - all good
Men's organizations - bad
Women's feminist organizations - good
Looking like a woman - bad
Male leadership - bad
New York - good
Rural America - bad
Mothering - bad
Emasculating men - good
Technology/Industry - bad
USA - bad
Obnoxious New Yorkers - good
Middle Americans - bad
Femininity - bad
Bras - bad
Maritel Infidelity - good
Priests - bad
Content house-wives - bad (and cause for suspicion)
Starting a revolution in Panama - delightful
Maiden name - more important than your married name
Clean kitchens - bad
Raising your family - bad

The seguay in the middle of the film where it suddenly becomes a feminist training program especially made me laugh. Going door to door to organize a "consciousness raising session" - oh please. They should have also included instructions on how to destroy your marriage. Or perhaps how to organize a labor union. And apparently "blackmail" is what made this country great. This thing must have got funding directly from Moscow.


Standard Troll Post.

You either 100% don't get the point of a horror film like this, or you are simply trolling.

I. Drink. Your. Milkshake! [slurp!] I DRINK IT UP! - Daniel Plainview - There Will Be Blood


If you cannot see how this movie is liberal conspiracy, than god help you.


As much as I love The Stepford Wives as a horror classic, you’re absolutely right.

It has a clear feminist agenda, from its explicit women's lib ‘consciousness raising’ plot line, to its demonisation of men, demonisation of marriage, demonisation of traditional gender roles and celebration of a woman abandoning domestic responsibilities to instead pursue ‘photography’.

The end result of such propaganda is to ultimately dismantle the family unit, which is the biggest block to state control. By creating atomised individuals who are dependent on state handouts collectivists (be they the Communists of the 1970s or Globalists of today) can gradually take power.

Ira Levin is a very skilled horror writer, it’s just a shame that he channels those talents into such an evil agenda. In a weird way though, the evil of Levin actually makes the film even creepier on a meta level.

The other shame is that Levin is Jewish, and works like this and Rosemary’s Baby are a gift to the Far Right, who want to paint Jews as subversive parasites intent on destroying the countries they inhabit 😞


What is “seguay”?

I could also segue into Maritel infidelity and this new free tool called Google, but I won’t.
