still haunted by this crap!
I was about 11 or 12 when my mom,my friend and I went to a double feature(remember those?)about 30 + years ago. We went for Susperia and stayed for "They Come from WIthin" The american title.BTW LOVED Susperia and still do..
BUT> Seeing as I was so young this movie really freaked me out!I mean I had to leave the theatre and wait in the lobby but slinked back in to see the ending.I remember the opening scene with the Dr and the girl with the acid and pool scene and seems like there was a scene where he( the hero??) was trying to escape some horny dudes in an unfinished construction area.
I DO remember a few more things about the flick. VERY obscure things.A guy at his desk after barfing up a few parasites and his secratary making some kind of comment like" Geeze Mr.----- I think you need to go home." also two old ladies walking with their umbrella and someone barfs a parasite from the apt above; it hits the unbrella and one old lady said somthing like'"poor birds get it by the airplanes all the time" while the parasite slinks into a sewer drain ......
I haven't seen the movie since but am dying to, need to put those demons to rest, HAY I... Was 11 for crips sakes BUT still; I remember how unhappy I was after seeing this flick NOT because it was a bad film but the mind of a 11 yr old can make even the worst(?) Movie seem REAL SCARRY!was for me.