Are screenings still a 'thing'?

I'll preface this by saying that I've never even seen The Rocky Horror Picture Show, but I recently saw an article about a proposed remake and it sparked a memory.

When I was in college (early-mid 90s) there was this art house theater downtown that played TRHPS on Saturday nights at midnight. I don't recall if this was weekly or monthly, but it was a regularly scheduled thing. A friend of mine went to a screening once (perhaps more than once) and he said that it was a packed house, with people in costume and there was enthusiastic audience participation et. Exactly the sort of atmosphere the uninitiated like my self would imagine it would be.

In the years since I suppose I've always had this image in my head that TRHPS has maintained this robust fandom and that these sorts of screenings are still commonplace in cities and towns all over the world, but is that still the case? Are there still groups of people going to see this for the umpteenth time as part of their social lives "Hey, Bob. How ya been? Oh, shhhh! The movie's starting."?

I may not be a TRHPS fan, but as you can see by my username/avatar, I do understand fandom and I'd be curious to hear some thoughts on the state of this particular one in the 21st century.

A journey into the realm of the obscure:


There's a theater in my town that does a midnight showing the Saturday before Halloween every year. I've gone a couple of times, it's so much fun.


When I used to live in Fort Lauderdale there was a theatre that played RHPC every Friday at midnight and now here in Long Island there are a few that do the same. I can only imagine the same goes for NYC.



Just attended a midnight screening last night here in the Mile High City of Denver! What a blast!


My AMC theater in Maryland is playing TRHPS on the 30th and on Halloween both at 10 pm. I'm seeing it on Halloween night and the original Halloween (1978) on thursday, which is playing it at the same theater.

If you don't know Bigfoot then you don't know SQUATCH


Every Saturday in Santa Monica.


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