MovieChat Forums > Revolver Discussion > One of the best Euro-crime flicks

One of the best Euro-crime flicks

Combining the best of (muted) Melville and (over the top) Castellari. My appreciation: io.html


I enjoyed it as well


I also thought this was a outstanding Poliziotteschi film with my only negative comment being about Oliver Reed. The man is an amazing actor with a wonderful distinctive voice and in typical 70’s Eurocrime fashion his voice was dubbed by someone else. What a bummer.


Since he is the main protagonist try the english dubbed version where Oliver Reed does Oliver Reed with an American accent (sort of).


I thought I had watched the English dubbed version. I’ll go back and check it.
Nice Morricone score as well.


Maybe it is time for me to watch it. After all, it is made by one of the three great Sergios (other two being Leone and Corbucci) who I can always trust when in the mood for a cool Italian movie from 60s/70s. You should check also his westerns Face to Face and The Big Gundown.


Nice I’ll have to watch those sometime.


Did you like it?


No, I haven't. Lately I'm not seeing many movies and mostly trying to fill up gaps with movies from the last 10 or so years. There are many great and not so great movies that I know I would enjoy, but I never get into the right mood for them, and sometimes my mood makes me watch movies which I know that they suck.
