What a disappointent

I was looking forward to an interesting movie and it ended being a Victorian boring mess...like Return of the Native meets Plan 9 From Outer Space.

Fiery the angels fell, deep thunder rolled around their shores, burning with the fires of Orc



Hmm…seems to be a divided lot. A co-worker was just talking about Peter Weir and I mentioned this movie. I saw it probably 20 years ago and remember very little except being bored to pieces. I’m puzzled looking at the IMDb ratings, but thinking maybe I should give it another go. Though, I see a lot of posts that mirror my own recollection of the film. Not sure what to do.

My date last night was awful. And then he wouldn't even spend the night.


My memory from long time ago (20 years?) was quite positive.
I don't think it quite lived up to those hazy memories - might of course have something to do with the original vs director's cut.


And a waste of good time .

"A man that wouldn't cheat for a poke don't want one bad enough".
