What a disappointent

I was looking forward to an interesting movie and it ended being a Victorian boring mess...like Return of the Native meets Plan 9 From Outer Space.

Fiery the angels fell, deep thunder rolled around their shores, burning with the fires of Orc


Whether or not you found it boring is irrelevant to anyone but yourself, but it most certainly isn´t a mess.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Sloppy plot, full of holes, it seemed more about costumes and outdoor parties than story. I am entitled to my opinion, of which I express in this venue created specifically for this purpose. My review is-it is boring and a mess, and may be of worth to someone who would rather not spend their 2 hours viewing it.

Fiery the angels fell, deep thunder rolled around their shores, burning with the fires of Orc


What exactly made the plot sloppy or full of holes?

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Sloppy plot, full of holes, it seemed more about costumes and outdoor parties than story. I am entitled to my opinion, of which I express in this venue created specifically for this purpose. My review is-it is boring and a mess, and may be of worth to someone who would rather not spend their 2 hours viewing it.

Fiery the angels fell, deep thunder rolled around their shores, burning with the fires of Orc


"Seemed" being the operative word here. What ´seems´ to me however is that you were unwilling or unable to pay attention in the first place since that´s the only conceivable way one might think it´s sloppy or confusing. It´s nothing of the sort (well, it is purposefully enigmatic, but that´s a different matter).

So far, you haven´t presented a single example of these supposed ´plot holes´, so what reason is there to take your so-called review seriously?

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


I can see the OP's frustration. I watched it after dinner, got tired, but made sure to go back and watch what I dosed over. It was well worth it but I found it a chore, it seems like time STOPS in real life too when you are watching it. Don't get me wrong I loved the movie it is beautiful but I think it probably alienates alot of viewers.

I wouldn't say so much plot HOLES, but flashes of brilliance going in a thousand directions.

It's a sad thing that your adventures have ended here



Sorry there were no car chases or gunfights in it.


It was a very boring and uninteresting film. It became even more so tedious when I found out it's not even based on a true story. I'm still figuring out the point of this film. 4 girls go missing. Nobody knows why. Nobody knows how. We see some pretty shots of mountains and wheat fields. The End. Thanks Mr. Weir. I liked your other films a lot better.



"It became even more so tedious when I found out it's not even based on a true story."

And that makes a difference in whether it's tedious or not because...?

There, daddy, do I get a gold star?


Not everyone understands great art. They are also the ones who think hotel paintings are better than a Jackson Pollack work.

You seem to be one of those people.

Very sorry for your lack of imagination.


Thank you!

Fiery the angels fell, deep thunder rolled around their shores, burning with the fires of Orc


Is there any hidden meaning to this movie, i mean is it as nonsensical as it is, or is there something i missed ? The moviw may have been well made, but what is it about ? The stones ? The beautiful girls ? What else ?

I like seeing cryptic movies, atmospheric movies, psychological thrillers, but this movie was the most ridiculous piece of BLOODY *beep* i wasted my time on

even monkeys fall from trees



Art was there in this movie, i liked it for the the characters and the natural beauty, and the slow footages at times.

What i mean is that there has to be some plausible, and worthwhile story, theme, something, something ? Its like biting into the most deliciously prepared mayo, but wheres the sandwich ?

even monkeys fall from trees


The board is full of differing opinions of what Picnic is "about". Just pick one of them if that's what you need.

What's wrong with something as simple as "mystery"?



If this wasn't such an old post, these hipsters would pronounce you obtuse and an imbecile. I am sure three years later they are all driving 5 series or S class cars and saying how "Honda drivers are obtuse and boring."

Fiery the angels fell, deep thunder rolled around their shores, burning with the fires of Orc



I know you're just trolling but -- everyone who likes Picnic is a hipster? And here I thought I was just a boring ol' nerd!


"I am sure three years later they are all driving 5 series or S class cars and saying how "Honda drivers are obtuse and boring"".

LOL. You ARE obtuse.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


It would seem so

Fiery the angels fell, deep thunder rolled around their shores, burning with the fires of Orc



Pearls before swine.

And there are so few pearls, yet so very, very many swine.



For me, the best part was when the girls went barefoot. When they disappeared, it went downhill from there. Overrated movie.


I found it slightly disappointing as well but I think my expectations are the reason I did. I thought it was going to be a bit more on the spooky side but it was actually more of a drama about how missing people affect those around them in their community. I think I might enjoy it more the second time now I know what to expect. We'll have to wait and see.


I'm afraid I was disappointed as well. Here I thought that I was going to watch a historical drama about those girls at the boarding school, which would have been right up my alley. And yeah, this movie partly was that too. But as we know, it mostly was this weird and creepy mystery, that never was even solved. Of course, I had never heard of it before I came across it on TV one night, so I had no idea what to expect, but still... 

Intelligence and purity.


I, too, was disappointed with the film. I like Peter Weir and the premise seemed intriguing but I just found it a well made bore.


I agree with you absolutely - return of the Native meets Plan 9 from Outer space sums it up beautifully, I must remember that.
