The music, landscapes, and pacing of this film all contribute to its itching mystery at least as much as the plot itself. There's also something about the film (stock) itself that acts as a better medium for this kind of meditative piece. It's a work of art made on a higher quality canvas. Knowhattamean? In descibing its qualities and effects, though, I have to fight a tendency of drifting into abstract, snobbish descriptions. What are some other films that have some of these haunting, patient(?) qualities?
A few I have seen:
1. Solaris (Tarkovsky, not Soderbergh) 2. Stalker (also Tarkovsky) 3. (At least the first half of) The Black Stallion 4. Ring of Bright Water 5. Dead Man (sort of)
I got a lot of good recommendations from this thread over the years, so I thought I'd go through and collect them all together for posterity's sake (yes, it was a slow day for me -- took over an hour doing this!). Making recommendations isn't a science but hopefully all of this will give people an idea of where to go after watching Picnic! Long live "eerie, haunting, patient, atmospheric films"!
In order from the most to the least mentioned, the most recommended were:
Don’t Look Now (1973) The Virgin Suicides (1999) Spoorloos [The Vanishing] (1988) 3 Women (1977) Innocence (2004) Badlands (1973) The Innocents (1961) Persona (1966) El espíritu de la colmena [The Spirit of the Beehive] (1973) Wicker Man (1973) Days of Heaven (1978) Heavenly Creatures (1994)
In case you're wandering exactly how many times each was mentioned:
Recommended by twelve people (***********): Don’t Look Now (1973)
Recommended by nine people (********): The Virgin Suicides (1999)
Recommended by eight people (*******): Spoorloos [The Vanishing] (1988)
Recommended by six people (*****): 3 Women (1977) Innocence (2004)
Recommended by five people (****): Badlands (1973)
Recommended by four people (***): The Innocents (1961) Persona (1966) 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes [Aguirre: Wrath of God] (1972) El espíritu de la colmena [The Spirit of the Beehive] (1973) Wicker Man (1973) Days of Heaven (1978) The Woman in Black (1989) Heavenly Creatures (1994)
Recommended by three people (**): Carnival of Souls (1962) Suna no Onna [The Woman of the Dunes] (1964) Valerie a týden divů [Valerie and her Week of Wonders] (1970) Deliverance (1972) The Other (1972) The Tenant (1976) My Brilliant Career (1979) Paris, Texas (1984) Paperhouse (1988) The Secret Garden (1993) Mulholland Drive (2002) Das weiße Band - Eine deutsche Kindergeschichte [The White Ribbon] (2009)
Recommended by two people (*): Nosferatu (1922) Wuthering Heights (1939) Black Narcissus (1947) Smultronstället [Wild Strawberries] (1957) L’Aventurra [The Adventure] (1960) L'Année dernière à Marienbad [Last Year at Marienbad] (1961) El ángel exterminador [The Exterminating Angel] (1962) An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge (1962) The Servant (1963) The Haunting (1963) Kwaidan [Ghost Stories] (1964) A Clockwork Orange (1971) The Beguiled (1971) McCabe and Mrs Miller (1971) Walkabout (1971) Solaris (1972) Images (1972) The Last Wave (1977) Eraserhead (1977) Long Weekend (1978) The Black Stallion (1979) The Changeling (1980) The Watcher in the Woods (1980) A Passage to India (1984) The Company of Wolves (1984) Offret [The Sacrifice] (1986) Jacob’s Ladder (1990) Dead Man (1995) Cure [Cure] (1997) The Thin Red Line (1998) George Washington (2000) Kairo [Pulse] (2001) The Devil’s Backbone (2001) The Others (2001) Vozvrashchenie [The Return] (2003) My Summer of Love (2004)
Lastly, I made a list of every film mentioned in this thread. Sometimes people just recommended the entire filmography of this or that director but I chose not to include every film by that director in the list and just stuck to those films that were specifically named. For every time a person recommended a movie after it was initially mentioned, I placed an asterix next to that film. I regret not separating the foreign films from the American and British ones but I'm certainly not going to do that now.
In my opinion, there are a lot of poor films here, as well as films that only have very tenuous similarities to Picnic at Hanging Rock. Still, scan over it and see if any titles jump out...
Key: * = a person agrees / = a person disagrees + = a person likes the film but does not think it is like Picnic
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) Nosferatu (1922) * Partie de Campagne [A Day in the Country] (1936) Wuthering Heights (1939) * Rebecca (1940) A Canterbury Tale (1944) The Curse of the Cat People (1944) Dragonwyck (1946) The Ghost and Mrs Muir (1947) Black Narcissus (1947) * Portrait of Jennie (1948) Letters from an Unknown Woman (1948) Sunset Boulevard (1950) Invaders from Mars (1953) The Night of the Hunter (1955) Det sjunde inseglet [The Seventh Seal] (1957) Kumonosu Jo [Throne of Blood] (1957) Smultronstället [Wild Strawberries] (1957) * L’Aventurra [The Adventure] (1960) * Jungfrukällan [The Virgin Spring] (1960) L'Année dernière à Marienbad [Last Year at Marienbad] (1961) * Through a Glass Darkly (1961) Pit and the Pendulum (1961) The Innocents (1961) *** El ángel exterminador [The Exterminating Angel] (1962) * Otoshiana [Pitfall] (1962) L’Eclisse (1962) Carnival of Souls (1962) ** An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge (1962) * Hud (1963) The Servant (1963) * The Haunting (1963) * Onibaba (1964) Kwaidan [Ghost Stories] (1964) * Suna no Onna [The Woman of the Dunes] (1964) ** Repulsion (1965) Incubus (1966) The Shooting (1966) Tanin no kao [The Face of Another] (1966) Blow-Up (1966) Persona (1966) *** Spider Baby, or the Maddest Story Ever Told (1967) Elvira Madigan (1967) Accident (1967) 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) *** Vargtimmen [The Hour of the Wolf] (1968) Rosemary’s Baby (1968) Whistle and I’ll Come to You (1968) Ring of Bright Water (1969) The Bed-Sitting Room (1969) Valerie a týden divů [Valerie and her Week of Wonders] (1970) ** + The Go-Between (1970) Zabriskie Point (1970) A Clockwork Orange (1971) * The Beguiled (1971) * McCabe and Mrs Miller (1971) * Walkabout (1971) * Death in Venice (1971) Ghost Stories for Christmas (1971-1978) Cries and Whispers (1972) Solaris (1972) // * Images (1972) Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes [Aguirre: Wrath of God] (1972) *** + Deliverance (1972) ** Images (1972) * The Other (1972) ** Silent Running (1972) Encounter with the Unknown (1973) Badlands (1973) **** A Cold Night’s Death (1973) El espíritu de la colmena [The Spirit of the Beehive] (1973) *** Wicker Man (1973) *** Don’t Look Now (1973) *********** Le Fantôme de la liberté [Phantom of Liberty] (1974) Il fiore delle mille e una notte [Arabian Nights] (1974) Celine and Julie Go Boating (1974) Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle [The Enigma of Kasper Hauser] (1974) It Was a Faint Dream (1974) Zerkalo [Mirror] (1975) Professione: Reporter [The Passenger] (1975) The Tenant (1976) ** Herz aus Glas [Heart of Glass] (1976) The Last Wave (1977) * Summerfield (1977) 3 Women (1977) ***** Eraserhead (1977) * Days of Heaven (1978) *** Long Weekend (1978) * Interiors (1978) Gates of Heaven (1978) Stalker (1979) Tess (1979) The Black Stallion (1979) * Grass Labyrinth (1979) Schalken the Painter (1979) The Haunting of M (1979) My Brilliant Career (1979) ** Nosferatu: Phantom Der Nacht (1979) The Shining (1980) The Changeling (1980) * The Watcher in the Woods (1980) * Miss Morison’s Ghosts (1981) American Pop (1981) The Mysterious Two (1982) Koyaanisqatsi (1982) The Sender (1982) Never Cry Wolf (1983) Tender Mercies (1983) Testament (1983) Nankyoku Monogatari [Antarctica] (1983) Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983) Places in the Heart (1984) Vigil (1984) A Passage to India (1984) * The Stone Boy (1984) Paris, Texas (1984) ** The Company of Wolves (1984) * The Quiet Earth (1985) Offret [The Sacrifice] (1986) * Playing Beatie Bow (1986) Is-Slottet [The Ice Palace] (1987) Matewan (1987) High Tide (1987) Spoorloos [The Vanishing] (1988) ******* Summer Vacation 1999 (1988) Paperhouse (1988) ** Distant Voices, Still Lives (1988) Lair of the White Worm (1988) Dead Ringers (1988) Zelly and Me (1988) Drowning by Numbers (1988) The Woman in Black (1989) *** The Yellow Wallpaper (1989) Rikyu (1989) Dalmaga dongjjok-euro gan ggadakeun? [Why Has Bodhi-Dharma Left for the East?] (1989) An Angel at My Table (1990) The Reflecting Skin (1990) Dreams (1990) Jacob’s Ladder (1990) * The Exorcist III (1990) La Belle Noiseuse [The Beautiful Troublemaker] (1991) Alas de Mariposa (1991) La double vie de Véronique [The Double Life of Veronique] (1991) Olivier, Olivier (1992) Candyman (1992) Dust Devil (1992) Basara: The Princess Goh (1992) Ohikkoshi [Moving] (1993) The Secret Garden (1993) ** Heavenly Creatures (1994) *** Once Were Warriors (1994) Enjeru dasuto [Angel Dust] (1994) The Secret of Roan Innish (1994) Crumb (1994) The Passion of Darkly Noon (1995) Dead Man (1995) * August in the Water (1995) Kids (1995) Maboroshi no hikari [Maborosi] (1995) The Portrait of a Lady (1996) The Crucible (1996) Cure [Cure] (1997) * Photographing Fairies (1997) Gummo (1997) The Well (1997) Dark City: Director’s Cut (1998) The Thin Red Line (1998) * Festen [The Celebration] (1998) The Virgin Suicides (1999) ******** The Blair Witch Project (1999) The End of the Affair (1999) Eyes Wide Shut (1999) Karisuma [Charisma] (1999) Nàshān nàrén nàgǒu [Postmen in the Mountains] (1999) Onegin (1999) George Washington (2000) * The Isle (2000) Lantana (2001) Artificial Intelligence (2001) Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi [Spirited Away] (2001) Kairo [Pulse] (2001) * Lost and Delirious (2001) Das Experiment [The Experiment] (2001) The Devil’s Backbone (2001) / * Donnie Darko (2001) The Others (2001) * Session 9 (2001) Rain (2001) Till Human Voices Wake Us (2002) The Mothman Prophecies (2002) Honogurai mizu no soko kara [Dark Water] (2002) Mulholland Drive (2002) ** Gerry (2002) The Hours (2002) Woman of Water (2002) Histoire de Marie et Julien [The Story of Marie and Julien] (2003) Janghwa, Hongryeon [A Tale of Two Sisters] (2003) Visitors (2003) Io non ho paura [I’m Not Scared] (2003) Vozvrashchenie [The Return] (2003) * The Dreamers (2003) Ruang rak noi nid mahasan [Last Life in the Universe] (2003) Akarui mirai [Bright Future] (2003) Innocence (2004) ***** Palindromes (2004) We Don’t Live Here Anymore (2004) Mysterious Skin (2004) The Machinist (2004) Vital [Vital] (2004) Spider Forest (2004) My Summer of Love (2004) * Git [Feathers in the Wind] (2004) The New World (2005) Wolf Creek (2005) Die Höhle des gelben Hundes [The Cave of the Yellow Dog] (2005) Bugmaster (2006) In a Dark Place (2006) Inland Empire (2006) Izgnanie [The Banishment] (2007) Låt den Rätte Komma In [Let the Right One In] (2008) Wendy and Lucy (2008) Lake Mungo (2008) Oishi Man (2008) Vinyan (2008) Kurôn wa kokyô wo mezasu [The Clone Returns Home] (2008) Das weiße Band - Eine deutsche Kindergeschichte [The White Ribbon] (2009) ** Van Dieman’s Land (2009) A Night In Nude: Salvation (2010) Meek’s Cutoff (2010) Martha Marcy May Marlene (2011) Petaru dansu [Petal Dance] (2013) Under the Skin (2013)
There isn't anything like PAHR but these will do...
Here are some other Australian films worth watching which may or may not have similar qualities:
Walkabout (1971) Where the Green Ants Dream (1984) Spirits of the Air, Gremlins of the Clouds (1989) The Hunter (2011) Snowtown (2011) Tracks (2013)
These also may or may not have similar qualities/themes...
Heart of Glass (1976) Alucarda (1977) Stalker (1979) The Sheltering Sky (1990) Humanité (1999) The Return (2003) The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007) The Edge of Dreaming (2009) Valhalla Rising (2009) Tracker (2010) Big Sur (2013) Hide Your Smiling Faces (2013) Magic Magic (2013) The Wait (2013)
Excellent thread. Added lots of film to my watchlist.
I want to bring up a film that was never mentioned - Giorgino (1994) Very eerie and mysterious 3 hours adventure through gloomy french villages during WWI. The movie is extremely rare and it's a mystery because the production quality is top notch. I suggest to look for download.