Greatest Performance in History?
Jackie as Randall. Just great.
Don't you agree?
Yes, the best I've ever seen.
shareCertainly one of the very best!
shareI would say so, but Louise is right up there too. To act so effectively as to make you totally despised by audiences (including herself) was a true masterpiece of ACTING.
Two of the greatest performances in one of the greatest extraordinary films = best picture ever in my mind.
I agree. Her performance was absolutely incredible. As was Brad Dourif's. Those 3 performances have gotta be in the top 50 of all time at least.
shareThere's a difference between the ROLE being incredible and the acting of the role; most actresses would appear devious and evil. Ellen Burstyn, the first offer, may have done something more with it. (or write the role with more scenes)
Louise didn't deserve an Oscar, much less being of the greatest performances.
shareI don't think Fletcher was un-worthy of an Oscar, or nomination at the very least. It's the category fraud issue again though. 75' was a weak year for female lead contenders and she would have been a default winner due to the popularity of the film. Her character did, and also still does leave an indelible impression with many viewers.
I happen to feel that Louise Fletcher has appeared as a nice and kind lady in the interviews I have seen her in and in some of her warmer roles. She enacted a cold, devious and manipulating character that has become despised by many, and also made her Ratched Creature believable enough. I would say she did a pretty decent job. Perhaps if she had been in the support category, then it may have been seen as a more fitting award.
Don't eat the whole ones! Those are for the guests. 🍪
I just made a thread on "Actors who were born to play a specific role" and Nicholson/McMurphy was #1 on my list.
Definitely up there with the very best, say, for example, Kim Stanley in "The Goddess."
My real name is Jeff
Definitely a great performance, but not the greatest in history. I wouldn't even consider it the greatest performance of that year, though it's a close second to Pacino in Dog Day Afternoon.