Favorite Song

Of the two dozen plus songs, which one was your favorite? I can understand if you don't have one or hate country music, but I liked all the songs among my favorites are:

One I Love You
I'm Easy
200 Years
Tapedeck in his tractor (Cowboy Song)
It Don't Worry me


"I'm Easy," I think, is the very best. But "Tapedeck in His Tractor (The Cowboy Song)," runs a close second. I have the soundtrack on CD and it has been with me through everything. I truly cherish it.


I NEED THAT SOUNDTRACK!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


it dont worry me


Pretty much all the Barbara Jean songs are fantastic.

My faves are always "My Idaho Home," "Bluebird," "I'm Easy," and "Dues."




200 Years for its pure barmy George W. Bushedness. Oh Yes!


"Dues"...by Barbara Jean

I think this could have been a legitimate hit record if some country diva had recorded it.


"It Don't Worry Me," definitely. All the songs were wonderful in context, but that's the one song I think I would happily listen to on its own.


Interesting to watch Barbara Jean's performance at Opryland. She does great and seems to be "getting thru" the first song, "Tapedeck in His Tractor"... enjoying singing before her fans.
But then as she's singing "Dues" it's as if the lyrics strike her and remind her of how real that song is to her... almost reminding her about the reality of her life offstage and away from the joy of performing before an audience.
From there, she falls apart with her stories, etc. That was such a great scene and makes me wonder even more how Ronee Blakley did not win her deserved Oscar.


As stand-alone songs, I think Barbara Jean's are the best.

When I first saw Nashville in revival, I went in with a bit of an attitude about Ronnee Blakely, as I'd heard raves about her performance but though, "Well, she can't be all that great, as practically the only other thing she did was Nightmare on Elm Street!"

How wrong I was! Her acting won me over right away, and then I was mesmerized by her performance of Dues. Suddenly, I realized I was listening to a great song, immpeccably performed by its writer. (Interestingly, Altman wasn't crazy about this song, but let Blakely sing it because it was her favorite.) I like My Idaho Home even beter, though, which is not only a more melodically complex number, but very technically challenging to sing. (Notice how irregularly the breathing is spaced throughout the song, so as not to break up the rhythm.)

Aside from those, the gentle and plaintive I'm Easy is very effective within its sequence, and It Don't Worry Me provides the perfect bittersweet ending.


Yeah, Bush is such an idiot for loving his country. And you're such a genius for hating it. Kudos.


Bush is "such an idiot" for many, many reasons. People who hated Bush love their country very much. That's why they deplored what he and the neo-cons did to it. Kudos.

"When the legend becomes fact, print the legend."
... "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance"


So making an insulting comment about the President equates to hating the United States? That is one helluva leap.


It Don't Worry Me
Back In My Idaho Home
To Last 200 Years
I'm Easy


For some reason, I absolutely love "Since You've Gone" done by Carradine/Nicholls/Raines, which was written by Gary Busey (!)....it's short, but it comes right before "I'm Easy" and really sets the tone for what's to come, certainly for Lily's character...that's one of my faves...



"Since You've Gone" (I WISH THIS WAS ON THE SOUNDTRACK!) followed by "I'm Easy".

BTW -- The Nashville Soundtrack is the only C&W LP in my collection !





I could watch (and hear) Ronee Blakely sing "Dues" a million times! "I'm Easy" is a great song, but Barbara Jean singing "Dues" has to be the saddest song in the film...

I also love watching Lily Tomlin sing with the gospel choir in the beginning. AWESOME!


"For the Sake of the Children (We Must Say Goodbye)" ... awesome!!


Yeah, it's cool to see her convulsing around like a spastic epilectic.


I love all of Keith Carradine's songs (I gravitate more towards 'soft rock' than 'country')

"Honey" (an even better song, IMHO, than the Oscar winner, "I'm Easy")
"I'm Easy"
"It Don't Worry Me" (as performed by the gospel singers over the end credtis)



"DUES" by Ronee Blakley! Can't seem to find the MP3 of this particular song though. >_<


Sorry in advance for the shameless promotion. If you have a second, check out my film review blog where Nashville is the 2nd review down. I try to discuss the songs I like as well as an overall comment on the film itself. Thanks!


"did you crash the car?" 'no' "did you raise the dead?" 'yea' "but the cars ok?"
