No. 1 on Sight & Sound poll

… as seemingly predicted by nobody. Great film though this is, it’s a truly surprising result for the much-hyped poll.


Over the years the number and diversity of people consulted have increased. This year, 1,639 critics, programmers, curators, archivists and academics were asked to choose their top ten films.
Last time's winner, Vertigo, claimed the second spot, while Citizen Kane was third.
Yasujirō Ozu's Tokyo Story came fourth, followed by Wong Kar Wai's In the Mood for Love in fifth place.

I have to admit I can't remember hearing about 3/5 of these films. There used to be a time when they'd be on TV but those days are long gone and I guess you'd have to seek them out now - or subscribe to Sight and Sound.


that list is bizarre.


Sight and Sound is a British monthly film magazine published by the British Film Institute. It's basically a film club that takes itself very seriously, though to be honest if I lived in London I'd try to join to get access to films outside the mainstream. They do have online options but it would be nicer to go to their center on the South Bank.


Looking at the top 20:
US 8, Europe 8, Japan 2. I recognize 11 titles, maybe watched 8.


That is surprising. This film is definitely an acquired taste. It's an interesting watch, but just the sheer length of it makes it daunting.


Its hardly a surprise that a film directed by a woman about a woman would be number one in todays zeitgeist.


it's also critical that she was a lesbian. there are two films by lesbians in the top 30.

jd is not the greatest movie of all time. nobody believes that.

what matters is the identity of the person that made it. queer, female. that trumps all.


Oh shes a lesbian also,didnt know that.Yeah,that helps also.


Total BS. Literally the only film in the top 50 I’ve never heard of and never seen. I watched the trailer on Amazon Prime just to get a clue… and it seemed very forgettable.
Is Sight and Sound saying this film is hetter than either Godfathers? 2001? Ozu or Kurosawa, take your pick of many of their films? Experimental, try Persona. That’s feminist enough for you and certainly a tighter and better film than Jeanne Dielman. I tried a bit on youtube. Good grief….


Picked by PC pseuds. Film sounds like one to.avoid.


I think this is an important film. The greatest film ever made? Not even close. But an important film, regardless.
