what happened to Waldo? (possible spoiler!)
As the end credits begin to roll, we see a picture of Waldo with the note "1895-1931". The end of the movie has always been a bit ambiguous to me; are we to conclude that Waldo couldn't land the plane he was flying against Kesler b/c of the damage to the wheels and so died in a crash right then and there? To me it didn't seem as if enough time had elapsed to make it up to 1931 at that point. For example, Axel was supposedly 32 on the day he made his stunt free-fall from the burning plane. Having been a pilot in WW I, he would have had to have been flying combat missions at age 14-17 in order to have made it to age 32 by the year 1931.
I saw this movie again last night after MANY years and was reminded that this ambiguity bugged me even as a boy, when I first saw the film at age 10.