MovieChat Forums > Barry Lyndon (1975) Discussion > If you like most of Kubrick's films, wou...

If you like most of Kubrick's films, would you probably like this one?

I've been thinking about buying the blu ray (it's pretty cheap on amazon). However, is this a film I would like? I like most of Kubrick's work outside of 2001 (I know, I know, don't flame me). Dr. Strangelove especially, is one of my favorite films of all time, and I like Eyes Wide Shut more and more everytime I watch it. A friend of mine has the entire Kubrick collection on DVD but has actually never watched this one.

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This is probably the weakest of Kubrick's big films because the lead, Ryan O'Neal is weak and not up to the challenge. The film could have been one of his best films if they had gotten a great actor.


Still a whole lot better than Keir Dullea in 2001, Tom Cruise in Eyes Wide Shut and Nicholson's shamelessly overacted performance in the Shining.


This was my favourite of his films. It reminded me of a Greek tragedy set upon a visually stunning backdrop.

I found it fitting and somewhat satisfying that a flawed actor is portraying such a flawed man. Let me play devil's advocate and say; I suspect the timidness/woodenness of Ryan O'Neal was not lost on Kubric during the casting, if he rings false it's also because Barry Lyndon himself is a fake.


This^ (odin45)
I put off watching 'Barry Lyndon' for nearly forty years simply because Ryan O'Neal is so off-putting. Having now viewed 'BL', I feel Kubrick was right to cast him as Barry, an off-putting, insubstantial, unlikable man of little integrity. It works. A better actor might have made this weasel too sympathetic.


It depends. I would say yes, but considering you didn't like 2001 all that much makes me unsure. Barry Lyndon and 2001 are both very deliberately paced with Barry Lyndon probably being a little slower. However, Barry Lyndon is a very different film from 2001. 2001, while visually stunning, I think is primarily concerned with intellectual questions about the future of mankind. To me, Barry Lyndon is primarily a visual film, although there are very interesting questions regarding life (money, social class, etc.) that it presents. If you are willing to be patient and appreciate a film visually, I can think of very few films more rewarding than Barry Lyndon. I don't know if you've seen it, but it's very similar to Visconti's The Leopard in that way.


its my favourite kubrick film. visually its the most stunning film ive seen. after watching it a couple of times it gets better and you appreicate the 3 hour length more than the first time. i just watched it and all i want to do is stick it on again lol. its perfection.


I love most of Kubrick's films, but detest this one. No, you would not necessarily like this film simply because it's Kubrick.


Did you ever watch it?

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i think you would love it. kubrick has a very noticeable style in all of his films so you would appreciate this as much as you liked 2001. though this movie is a bit long, i would say that i did not really got bored and every scene is interesting. definitely recommending it!


I admire the filmmaking, but I don't begin to see the point of this. I feel that way about a number of Kubrick's films.

"2001" and "The Shining" are two of my all-time favorite films. But, I am not sure what the point of "Barry Lyndon" is supposed to be, or why it is so highly rated on IMDb.

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I'd rent it first and check it out before buying. I just finished watching it and I liked it, but it seems way longer than it is. The experience is rewarding, however. So definitely check it out.


this is my favorite kubrick film. at 3 hours it's never boring. the only other costume period iece that compares is "the duellists"(1977) which ridley scott was inspired to make after seeing this.
